Chapter One

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{{{Just going to say I'm against anyone dying so Odin and Frigga will still be alive}}}

My name is (Y/N) and I am the Greek Goddess Of Mischief I recently started a war in my home land all for a joke, but I have to say it was totally worth it, you should have seen the look on my mother's face when I said I had given away secrets on how to get into the castle and what each and everyone's weakness is at that exact moment I was banished from ever returning home and that brings us to the present where I am currently falling through space with a bubble around my head providing me with oxygen, I plummet to what ever planet decides to catch me.

Lokis POV

Odin called me and Thor to the throne room immediately apparently it was official Royal business during these occasions I usually stand behind the throne and let my mind wander and occasionally I would listen to the actual important details that might concern me. Both I and Thor arrived at the throne room to find a group of battalions gathered (A group of soldiers/guards) on either side of the carpet to the throne.

"What is the purpose of this meeting father?" Thor asks

"We have found a projectile flying in our galaxy we can bring it down to Asgard but just incase they are hostile we will need you and the guards to protect Asgard," Odin says

We both nod and start to walk to the stables, in no time we are on our horses while they run down the rainbow bridge, we come to a halt at the gate and greet Heimdal.

"Open the gate," Odin demands

"Yes All Father,"

Heimdal twists his sword and the gate opens up we all stand ready with our weapons drawn.

Suddenly a fully grown person flys out of the portal, we all take a second to process what just happend.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I'm floating in space a portal opens up, I state into it at the people I will land upon and think of something funny to say but my thoughts are ruined by landing on the hard stone ground.

"In the name of ZEUS!" I yell as I start to squirm in pain

"Zeus? I havnt heard that name in decades." A gruff and deep voice says.

I open my eyes to see swords and all kinds of weapons pointing at me.

"State who your are and your intention." says the previous voice coming from a old man dressed in gold with a red cape and a silver eyepatch on his right eye.

I stand up groaning at the immense pain in my left leg my name is (Y/N) Aite (That is your mother's name aka the previous Greek God Of Mischief)
And I have sent away by my family after causing a war accidentally." I smile in hope they won't send me back thinking I'm to dangerous.

"Your family must be of Royalty if you were sent away so quickly," Says someone new in armour and also a red cape, he has brown short hair and is rather muscular (Ragnarok Thor)

I nodd "I come from a family of gods, my mothers name is Aite and my father is Hephaestus and I am the goddess of trickery, I place my hands behind me and grin evilly the one with the eyepatch glares at me and sighs.

"Oh no, not another one," The eyepatch person says.

One with raven black hair steps forward and puts his hand out "Pleasure to meet you doll, I am Loki, God of mischief and lies," he holds out his hand, I take it and he gently kisses it.

"What a gentle man~" I say

He smiles and let's go of my hand. I walk over to the muscular one. He holds his hand out and I take it he does the same as Loki

"My name is Thor, Lady (Y/N), its a pleasure to meet you." He smiles and I return one.

Last but not least I walk over to the the one with the dodgy eyepatch.

"My name is Odin, the all Father."

"Ah, that'd make sense, Norse am I right?" I question


"I only know of a few tales from my friend when we were younger they are vague but they are there."

"It's probably best you keep them hidden wouldn't want anyone's future to be revealed." Odin states as he stares at me and I nod.

"Welcome to Asgard Lady (Y/N)," Thor booms from behind me as I stare in amazement out of the entrance to a beautiful golden castle surrounded by much smaller homes.

Lokis POV

'A goddess of mischief? She calls her self only the true god of mischief can decide on that but I must think she is very beautiful her hips her hair and her li- what am I thinking? What is this feeling? Has she cursed me?' I begin to become uncomfortable, I see (Y/N) lifted onto Thors horse, she grabbed onto Thor, I'm furious but why? I'm not jealous am I?' (Y/N) looks over at me.

"Loki?" Thor asks, he snaps me out of my thoughts, I climb onto my horse and start riding to the castle trying my best to ignore Thor talking to (Y/N).

(Y/N) 's POV

We were riding to the castle when we passed the small towns Little children were running around outside smiling and laughing the teenagers melted at the sight of Thor while the adults peacefully waved and smile then go on with there day.

We come to a halt Thor helps me down from his surprisingly tall horse, and we start walking into the golden castle.

"Loki, will you please show our visitor the spare room while I and Thor discuss certain matters." Odin said

Loki nods and once we are out of hearing range I say

"I have a name you old hag," I mutter under my voice which Loki heard and made him chuckle.

"Is he your father?" I ask

"Yes, but he adopted me, well more like stole me from my realm and raised me here never telling me about my origin." 'Why am I telling her this? Why am I so comfortable being around her,' I hear Lokis thoughts.

I look over at Loki and smile.

"Oh wow, so Thor is your brother? "

"Unfortunately." Loki blandly says.

"This is your room if you need any assistance or if you get lost my room is just around the corner and to the left." Loki states

I smile and thank him, when I go inside I find a large room with a large bed golden fabric everywhere occasionally with white and red splattered around

'Honestly not My color I'd perfer (F/C) and (S/F/C)'

Almost if my room had a mind of its own and could read mine it transformed into my favourite colours, this only made my smile better.

Odins POV

"I fear that we must keep (Y/N) and Loki away from each other, who knows what would happen, the whole nine realms would collapse if those two became friends." I said

"Odin she might be good for him who knows," My wife Frigga said softly

"Mother is right Father we have to give her a chance,"

"Alright Alright, but she must compete in a challenge if she wishes to stay here, I don't want anymore people to protect when they can possibly protect themselves.

Everyone nods understandding they all leave the throne room as I dismiss them and start to plan (Y/N)'s challenge.

{{{Every update should hopefully be on a Wensday so next week's update will be the 18th.}}}

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