Origins part 1

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"Ugh is the first day of school..." I groaned.
"Honey hurry up! You're going to be late if you don't get up now!" My mom yelled at me from downstairs
"IM COMING" I shouted back
I got out of bed and out on my jeans with my tank top and jacket on. I put my hair up in the usual hairstyle I do and ran downstairs.
"Hey mom" I said as I landed a kiss on her cheek "morning dear" she smiled at me. "Your father is downstairs waiting for you in the bakery"
"Oh okay... bye mom!"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" She smiled as she gestured to my backpack
"OH!" I cried as I yanked it from the couch and bolted downstairs
My dad turned to me.."here you go honey... croissants for your class!!" He smiled at me.
"Thanks dad!" I exclaimed at I jumped up and hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Bye dad I'm off to school!" I ran off and stopped at the crosswalk and waited for it to turn green when I noticed an old man started walking on the road while it was still red.

My instincts kicked in and i dropped everything I had and scrambled to the man, grabbed his hand and scurried to my side of the crosswalk.

"Sir you should be more careful and look out for the signs.." I said
"Thank you, young lady.." he smiled as he took a bite from one of the croissants "delicious"
"Well you're welcome... I need to get to school.. so see you later and stay safe!" I yelled as I ran across the green lit crosswalk and ran to school.

"Indeed I will"

I dashed to the school as fast as I could
I wanted to start going to a public school!
I'm always cooped up at home and I'm never free.
As I made it to the entrance

"Adrien stop!" Natalie said
"But Natalie!"
"You know how your father feels about this"
"Yes but-" I stopped as I see from the corner of my eye an old man on the ground struggling to get his cane.

I helped him up and handed him his cane.
"Thank you young man." He said softly
"Anytime sir." I helped him up, smiled, and walked back to Natalie.
"Please don't tell my father about any of this.." I cried
I walked with them to the car.

Luka x reader x Adrien Where stories live. Discover now