Flower Field

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-------- Third Person P.O.V ----------

It was a bright sunny day barely any clouds in the sky. It seemed like the type of day that nothing could go wrong right? But of course, fate had other ideas.

A soft breeze blew through the air and different flower petals flew through the air. All the petals softly scattered through the area.

The field was mostly quiet the only thing that you could hear if you stood in the middle was the soft breeze that blew until the wind got more violent as a bigger gust came, a vortex opened up. The vortex was a beautiful mixture of red and blue that faded into a violet.

The vortex was the creation of the winds that scattered the petals of the plants below everywhere. The winds rough howl sounded all over the field suddenly a figure was falling from the vortex that covered part of the sky. If you looked closer the person was a female with (s\c) skin and (h/c) hair.

The female's hair whipped furiously each strand hitting her in the face. The female's eyes were shut tightly her arms covered something holding it tightly to her chest. As the girl's body was falling towards the ground another thing came out of the portal falling along with her.

As the girl fell on the hard ground the impact wasn't as rough because she fell on multiple types of flowers. The vortex above the young lady closed leaving her alone in a field with different types of beautiful flowers, different colors, with different fragrances. The flower petals that went flying up due to the impact fluttered down with a few landing on her body and face. The girl's eyes fluttered scanning the area she was in using her arms to prop her self up. Looking around as she tried to remember why she was there.

Looking down the girl spots a brown leather journal that was laying on her lap. Looking down at the journal with curiosity the girl decided to open it and try to see if there is some sort of answer to her questions. Opening the cover to the first-page the only to find a red flower ⁽¹⁾ with the words 'Follow the Higanbana's path for your questions to be answered.'

This statement only made the young girl even more confused as she looked around the page for something or anything that can help her. She flipped through the pages looking at each only to get to the last page finding nothing, sighing she closes to book a little frustrated that she couldn't find anything. Getting up the girl looked around finding a light blue backpack with roses around it ⁽²⁾ laying on the ground. Smiling hoping that she might find something else to give her more clues on how or why she was here.

Walking over to the bag she opens it finding art supplies and sketchbooks sighing the girl moved things around to see if she could find something else. After moving things around she looked at the flap and saw 'This bags belongs to (y/n) (l/n).' Staring at the bag she tilted her head in confusion.

Is that my name?

I know this was a short prologue but this is just an introduction to our protagonist in this story so I hope you enjoyed this small chapter.



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