Oh yes... College

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If it weren't for the sound of violent typing, your room would be as silent as a mouse. The laptop made your eyes burn and water, yet you had to finish this essay before midnight.

It was only the second day of the new semester. You thought your professor to be crazy for assigning a paper so soon.

Then again, this was your first AP college class and you desperately needed these credits to transfer.

You didn't even notice the tall lanky figure creeping up behind you. A large gloved hand grabbed your shoulder, making you jump out of your skin.

"Jesus, Penny!!"

The figure known as Pennywise let out a victorious cackle. The clown shook his head like a dog, bells and red puffs on his costume jingling. "Ohhh, did I scare you? Too bad, so sad." He let out another giggle.

You flopped onto your bed and continued typing. Usually, you'd be happy to see him, but the essay kept you at bay.

The clown huffed and crossed his arms like a child.

No response from you.

Pennywise raised a brow in confusion. He crawled across the carpet and peeked over the laptop screen. "Whatcha doin?"



Several minutes had passed as Pennywise observed you type, save for the drool clean-ups. This patience didn't last long, though.

"Come play with the clown."

"Penny I'm busy."

He growled in frustration, rolling onto his side next to the laptop. "You can finish this later." Pennywise's eyes flashed from blue to gold, back and forth.

"I have to get this done by tonight so ple- Hey!"

Without warning, Pennywise stretched himself across your torso, partially covering the keyboard.

"That isn't fair!"

"Life isn't fair," he mocked. "I'm bored, let's do something else." Pennywise whined. He shifted his position, and the tab to your essay immediately closed.

Thank god for Google Docs.

"I swear you're such a pain in the butt." You ran your hands through his thick hair.

"Ohohoho, my- my dear." The clown waivered his voice. "But you still love meeee."

You sighed, not knowing how to respond. That may have been true but you were still mad at him.

Yet you did need a break from typing. It had been two hours since you last ate or drank anything.

"Yes, yes. A break sounds nice," Pennywise cheered. "Shall we stop?"

"Quit reading my thoughts!"

Pennywise X Reader short: Study SessionsWhere stories live. Discover now