My Name Is Lee

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I walk through the forest one stormy night. I see the shadows of the trees making it look eerie. Then

I remember the woods. It is where I found my first victim. A blond teenage girl. She looked about my

age. She stood alone in the woods. As I passed by her she said, " Hey you. How do you get to the

road?" I point to the right and say," The roads that way and my name is Lee." That is when I felt a rush

of anger in me. I hated people who didn't call me by my name. This was the last straw. I picked up a

jagged rock and threw it at her head. She immediately fell down and blood started gushing out of her

wound. Slowly her eyes closed.

Tonight I want to kill again. I loved the rush I got when I kill. As I walk and it started to rain. My

black hair fell into my eyes. I pushed it back and kept walking. Then I saw a gas station. I walked to the

door, my green shirt and jeans soaking wet. I went inside. An old woman saw me. She shuffled towards

me. " Oh dear. Lets get you warmed up. You wouldn't want to catch a cold." she said. She went to the

back of the store and got me dry clothes. It was a pair of black jeans and a gray t shirt. " These are my

grandsons but you need them more than he does. What is your name dear?" She asks. " Lee" I say. "

Nice to meet you Lee. My name is Harriet but you can call my Harry for short."

Suddenly a group of teenage boys barge in. " Give me your money old lady." One of the boys yell as

one comes up to me. "Give me your money dude." the guys says to me. I feel the anger build up in me.

" My names not dude. Its Lee" I scream as I jump on him. He falls to the ground with a " thud". He then

pulls out a pocket knife. I step on his stomach and he lets go of it. I quickly grab the small knife and I

jab it in his throat. Blood splatters on my face. The kid starts coughing up blood. Then he stops. I pull

out the knife and close his eyes.

I approach the other guys. " Get away from me you lunatic." One of them screams. " My name is

Lee" I throw the pocket knife and it hit a tall blonde boy. He screams and crys. I ignore his cries and

move on to the others guy. " I don't want any trouble man." He pleads. " What don't people

understand. My name is not hey you, or dude or man. My name is Lee. Get it right." I pick the boy up

by his shirt and threw him against a glass shelf. A shard of glass pierces through his abdomen. He cries

in pain. Slowly the crys stop.

I then run to Harry. Shes sitting in a chair crying. " Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I ask. " No Lee i'm

fine but i'm sorry. I called the police. They'll be here shortly." she says. " No" I scream. " How could

you?" Then I ran out just as I started to hear sirens. I keep running till I reach the woods. I'm safe now.

I look behind me and I see a little girl staring at me. " Why do you have blood on your face mister." she

asks. " I killed someone that's why." I say. " That isn't very nice mister. My Mommy say it will put you

in jail and jail is bad" she says. " You only go to jail if you get caught. Oh and by the way my name is

Lee." I say as I pick up the girl.

I held her in my hands and threw her little body towards a tree. A branch went threw her arm. She

cried in pain. I grab the branch and pull. More blood splattered on me. Her screams got louder. I pick

up some dry leaves off the ground the shove them in her mouth. Her screams muffle down. "Shh don't

cry. You won't feel any pain soon." I say. I grab a large rock and smash it against her head. I keep

smashing it till her muffled cries stop. Blood is pouring out of her head. I kick her lifeless body and walk


I walk down a path. I leads to a dark house. I know I got away. Its cold so I look in the window of

the house. I see a fireplace and an old chair. I walk to the door and go inside. It smells of mold and

dust. I walk to the fireplace and find some wood and matches. I start a fire and relax in the chair. Just

as i'm about to fall asleep I hear a noise coming from the closet in the house. I walk up to the door and

open it. Inside there is a man in a white lab coat. He pulls out a syringe and thrusts it into my arm.

Everything goes black.

I wake up in a white room. I see a bunch of men in white lab coats. " Oh Lee you're awake." One of

the men says. " My name is Dr. Jones." "Where and I" I ask in confusion. " You are at the home for the

clinically insane. You will live her the rest of your life." I try to move my arm to argue but I realize i'm

tied up. I can't live here the rest of my life. " I'm going to go let you get some rest" Dr. Jones says as he

leaves. As soon as the door closed. I untie myself and sneak out the window. I run till I get to the

woods. I'm safe and free.

I walk down a path till I get to the gas station. I run and and hug Harry. She doesn't hug back.

"What's wrong Harry?" I ask her. "Why are you here Lee?" She asks me. " I escaped. I wanted to see

you. You're the only one to care about me enough to call me by my name. Please let me stay. I don't

want to go back to that place." " Ok fine Lee. You can stay. You're like a Son to me." She says. I hug her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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