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See if you can guess who this paring is.

This will be a multishot.

This is my first fanfic so please no flames, but I welcome constructive criticism.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the PJO characters. Mr. Riordan does.

Percy POV

I am in love with a girl who's father is my father's enemy. And no it isn't Annabeth.

Oh, sorry I am getting ahead of myself; let me tell you about how it all began.


It was the night of the quest to get the Golden Fleece when I heard the clopping of hooves nearing my cabin. Then someone started to knock on my door loudly. I sat up bolt-right and walked to the door and opened it to see Chiron standing there, with a grim look on his face.

"Chiron what happened?" I asked.

"Come with me Percy," he said.

Chiron put me onto his back and we raced to the top of Halfblood Hill towards Thalia's Pine when I noticed there were two figures near it. One was wearing armor while the other was laying down on the ground. I jumped off Chiron's back and ran to the two figures to see that the one in the armor was Annabeth. I saw that she had tears in her eyes. I looked down at the girl on the ground who had long and dark black hair. She looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on where I saw her before. I knelt down next her. As I knelt down her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes... They were so beautiful; they were as blue as electricity.

"What's your name?" I asked.

Before she even answered, I knew who she was. She was fated to either be my best friend or my worst enemy. She was-

"I am Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus," she said. "Who are you?"

"I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon," I answered.

Looking at her eyes, I started to feel myself forming a crush for the daughter of Zeus.

*Flashback Over*

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