stranger things have happened

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  • Dedicated to who ever reads this first


The tall blonde man turned to face his son with a huge smile on his face. He couldn't contain his excite over his new job as a teacher at his old alma mater.

"Come on Scorpious keep up", he called, walking backward so he could watch the thirteen year old boy trudge toward him.

'He reminds me a little of myself at that age', Draco thought to himself as he watched his only son stop to appreciatively watch a pretty girl walk by.

The boy had the signature platinum blonde Malfoy hair except he wore it long and in a low ponytail and Draco's perpetual smirk. He had his mother's everything else, though. Her lightly tanned complexion, her clear sea green eyes, and her straight nose. Merlin, he missed Nonna so much.

That is... was his wife. Nonna Antoinette Fisher-Malfoy. He met her on a trip to Ireland a few months after the war ended and they had been together for what Draco believed were the best sixteen years of his life.


"I'm taking this seat", Draco said as he sat down amongst a group of young women, all of which stared at him because his boldness.

"Like hell you are!" one of the women said, having to shout over the noise in the over crowded pub.

Draco turned his attention to the one who had spoken and suddenly couldn't think sane coherent thoughts. All he could think about was how beautiful and majestic she was as she fixed him with a challenging glare with her pale green eyes. Her skin was just the slightest shade of brown, like someone had poured a spoonful of coffee into a pitcher of milk. Her hair reached her shoulders in cloud of pitch black curls. He paid no attention to what was coming out of her mouth, but was mesmerized at how her full, red lips looked as they formed words.

"HEY!! Buddy! Have you been paying attention to anything I have been saying? Tonight is my sister's last night as a free woman, so you have to pick another table to crash".

"Oh come on! Do you see this place? There are no other seats left in the whole pub. I can't even go sit at the bar and have a drink by myself. I'm sure that your sister wouldn't mind if a tourist, looking for a good time, joins in her bachelorette party. Besides, I give a mean lap dance", he said giving her a flirtatious smile.

The dark blonde woman to the dark haired beauty's left, who was clearly intoxicated, put a hand on her shoulder, "Awwww come on Nonna, I don't mind. He's lonely and something that yummy doesn't need to be alone".

Draco decided to join the drunken woman and looked at the one named Nonna with begging eyes barely concealing the laughter that hid just below the surface, "Please Nonna? You don't want me to really leave, do you? I'll be all alone and probably get squished by this crowd of inebriated Irishmen if I do. And according to the bride to be I'm too yummy to be left to my own devices".


"Dad, I don't see Aunt Nina, Andella, Carson, and Aston anywhere", Scorpious said as he finally caught up with his father.

Scorpious noticed the far off look in his eyes and sighed. He knew what the man was thinking of. He was thinking of his mother. He knew that his father missed her like crazy. He remembered the day she died. It was a bittersweet moment for all of them because it was also the day his baby sister Aston was born. He remembered how crumpled and defeated his normally strong proud father looked when he announced that there had been an accident, but he had a new sister. Scorpious also remembered the funeral a week later that his dad refused to go to.

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