Hey Everyone =) this is my first story here ... oh god my first *blush*... erm... well it's not a story yet its some random scenes that I came up with...
If you find any spelling mistakes, you can keep them =P (just kidding...please tell me, english is not my first language)
Anyway hope you like it =)~~~~~~~~~~
"Get back here you little punk!" he shouts while chasing after me.
I run for my life, down the corridor of the hotel until I reach door and knock or rather punching it so someone opens it and I can escape.
As soon as the door opens I push the person behind the door away and squeeze myself inside shutting the door behind me.
I can hear him still following me and screaming "I'm going to give a big head-butt this time! Where are you?!?" looking trough the spyhole I see him disappearing behind the next corner...
I can't hold it anymore...
I start laughing real hard until I cry tears "Oh brother, He's really mad this time... maybe I shouldn't have done that"
After a few minutes of laughing I finally turn around. My face meets a chest and as I look up I see wonderful green eyes that look really irritated at my behaviour and a low voice asks
"What the hell was that?"
I know reaaaally short =)
so what do you think?
should I continue or would you rather not?