1.1: Brothers

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A thought occurred to Time "I exist" hes was strange and new. He continued thinking "what happened before this?" That was hard to tell. He knew this was the first thing he remembered so he continued to think.
Matter had a similar thought when Time moved forward enough to conceive of it, that this was all there is, a simple pair of vague consciousnesses contained within a perfectly average orb floating through absence.
This orb currently had only 2 properties. 1: the point in time which it exists within, 2: the spherical shape of it's physical form
It has no further attributes because it is the first thing. In order to describe it further other things must exist for comparison. 
As the orb became older the thoughts within matured. Time realized what he was, he was the force that caused the sphere in which he resides to age. Matter realized he was the orb itself. Time began to exercise his abilities over the orb moving it forward where other orbs will be and back where other orbs were. Time continued to move himself forward allowing Matter to think more. Eventually they spoke to one another
This was a good conversation. Later Time spoke to Matter again.
"What do you do?" he asked matter
"I am the orb, I feel the ability to change and grow... What do you do?" Matter returned the question
"I am the force around you that allows you to do those things." Time responded with pride.
Matter did not like the idea that Time was so powerful but trusted him to be the wiser of the 2, and Time was wise. he knew the power he held and he held it well, keeping the flow steady and constant. Matter on the other hand was far less wise he was impatient. "Move us forward, make it go faster" he would complain.
"That is not the way this works," time would rebuttal "you would feel no different the only benefit would be to me"
But matter insisted something would happen eventually. Matter was forced to wiat, and so he waited as long as he could but eventually he gave up on waiting and decided to make things happen on his own. he brought another orb into existence. This did nothing.
He created many more, this too did nothing, so he forced the orb forward in space. A new thought appeared within the orb. Energy was different, Her first thought was not about her existence it was about why. She was not first so the other 2 caused her to exist. She spoke up
"Who are you both?" She asked
"I am… Time, I am the flow of existence around us that sets the stage for excitement to occur"
"I am… Matter, I am props and actors on the stage of existence"
"I am… Energy the movement and force behind the actors and props"
They then began working together to create

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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