♡ Chapter 1: Distance

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Even though I'm pretending like I don't care, I do. He broke my heart... I can't believe he actually would do that. My Matty? Guess he's not mine anymore... 

My aunt Darlene is actually against the idea of me going to La, but this is my life and I'm going to take the most of it. Getting some distance from Virginia is actually a good idea. After what happened last year... I just need some time for myself.

So I'm going to La. I feel like I've changed. Almost dying and always doing what other people want you to do just had a impact on me.

Still, I miss Matthew. Maybe we will figure our stuff out but right now I need to get away from here. I'm sitting on my floor packing my stuff in to this big suitcase when someone walked in. I look up and see my cousin Mariel.

"You're coming back right? " She sat next to me.

"Yeah, don't know when though but I am, eventually. I need this, I need to get away for a while. "

"No I understand, it's cool. Wish I could come with you, but as you know I have school so... " She rolled her eyes. I smile and fold a shirt in my bag. 

"Well luckily summer's coming and then you can join me whenever you want. " We hugged. I'm going to miss her but there's no way I'm staying here. 

I got a text from Cam.

Cameron: whats up beautiful? 

I smile and text him back.

Mia: Just packing... I'm so excited though!

"Who was that? " Mariel asked me. 

"Cam... " 

Mariel sighed and took my phone from my hands looking down.

"Hey! " I try to take back my phone from her.

"Mia... You need to be careful. You know that Cameron had feelings for you, you can't play with him like this. " Mariel said.

"I'm not messing around here. Look, Cameron's being here for me and I really do like him. " 

She gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"I like him as a friend. "

"So what about Matt? " 

"What about him? " I say like it doesn't hurt to hear his name. I still love him and there's nothing I can do...

"It's over between you two? " Mariel asked me carefully. She's really upset about the situation.

I'm trying to fight back the tears. Without a word I close my suitcase and get up from the floor. Mariel stood up and hugged me.

"Can I have my phone now? " I reach out my hand.

"Okay nerd. You have fun in Los Angeles while I'm here dying at school. " She kissed my cheek and left my room. I smile.

"Love you! " I threw her with a stuffed animal right before she closed my door.

I need some distance, I physically can not deal with the drama in Virginia.

The nights are the hardest. I have my comfy clothes on and I'm walking around my room doing some last minute packing. Then I slowly walk over to my big window that's facing our street. It's quite outside and nobody's awake. I can't help it, my eyes wander to his house. Matt's car is on the driveway... Does that mean he's home? 

Who cares. I need to gather myself up and stop thinking about him.

I go under my blankets and stare at my ceiling. I need to get some sleep since I'm leaving tomorrow morning.

Sometimes I just want to fix things with Matt but then I remember what happened. I could never ever forget.

"Mia? " Someone whispered. I look out from the window and see Matthew standing there. What is he doing? My heart stopped. "Could you come down please. " He smiled.

"I'll be right there. " I whisper and walk down my stairs. Then I open our front door and go out. 

I look around but Matt's not here. It's a little cool outside and I pull my sweater over my hands. It doesn't look like our street anymore, maybe I'm just really tired but still. I feel a little dizzy.

"Matt? " I whisper so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Then someone grabs my waist and hugs me from behind. I know who it is. I turn around and hug him tightly. Matt is smiling and I place my hand on his cheek. His body feels so warm and strong compared to mine. 

"Don't go... " He said to me making me shiver.

"What? " I pull away.

"You belong with me. " Matthew said. I closed my eyes and lean closer to him. Then I feel like I'm falling, my heart skipped a beat and I get up from my bed huffing. I press my cold hand on my forehead. It was just a fricking dream... 

I still love Matt, and I could go talk to him but I'm leaving tomorrow. That was my plan and I am flying to Los Angeles no matter what. I can't let him mess with my mind. I need to do this.

♡ Stormy Los Angeles (Matthew Espinosa & Cameron Dallas) ♡Where stories live. Discover now