Chapter XXIV: A Vampire's Bed

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When we returned to the castle, I headed straight for my coffin. My body needed to rest, and laying inside a cold casket was like the fountain of youth for a vampire. I didn't get a chance to see the others or to ask if their mission had been a success. I did pick up on a new, feminine scent nearby, so I assume they accomplished what they'd set out to do.

Ricky had plenty to worry about, and he had a guest to get settled. I wasn't expecting him to follow me downstairs, yet he did. We haven't had a chance to be alone since I'd left. As tired as I was, I wasn't going to tell him to go away. He didn't even bother saying a word. Once we were by ourselves down in my chambers, he kissed me passionately.

A shaky breath fell from his mouth as he pulled off of my lips. "I missed you. I- I should've told you before you left, but I was being an asshole. I'm sorry."

He's always way too hard on himself. Well, I guess that's better than if he never saw his faults and never apologized. I hugged him tight, replying, "Lucky for you, I like assholes. In more ways than one."

Ricky tried his best to hold back his laugh. He punched my shoulder lightly, snickering. "Stop. I'm trying to be serious."

"Ricky, sweetie, really. It's okay. I know you care about me, and I care about you, a lot. Saying things out loud are nice, yeah, but not necessary when you're confident in what you have." I said, "We can talk and fuck later. Right now, I really need to get some sleep."

"I understand." He reached up and kissed me one last time. Ricky left my grasp, stepping towards the door. He stopped, standing there motionless as he thought for a minute. "When I was in your head, the person I saw, that was him? The one you damaged yourself for?"

"Yeah, it was." I answered honestly.

Ricky raised his arm across his chest, resting his hand over the scar on his shoulder. He was thinking about it, but he didn't say anything. Someday, I hope to know the story. I also hope it didn't hurt him to see that my Heaven included Yuki instead of him. It's nothing against him. They've both brought me a great deal of love and happiness. Yuki, however, I'd spent far more time with and sacrificed more for. Someday, I can only hope Ricky and I will share that kind of bond. We both have a lot of growing to do together first.

Ricky's scent is all over this castle, but that doesn't prevent me from sensing the source. I woke up because I smelled him near. He was in my chambers, yet he didn't come to me. I cracked open my coffin, peering out see him walking away. His heart rate was elevated and his body language anxious. What's gotten into him? This has to do with what happened, doesn't it? I knew he wasn't going to get past this easily.

I changed into my shadow form and slipped out of my bed. This is the only way I could ever manage to sneak up on him. I switched back into my physical form as I appeared behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Of course, he didn't jump because he still managing to figure me out in time. I think he's a lot more powerful than the other demon lords give him credit for, but he chooses not to exercise his strength.

"Something I can help you with?" I asked tauntingly.

Ricky sighed, "I just came to check on you. That's all. You've been asleep a long time."

What did he expect? I'm not sure what exactly happened to my body when I was in Zombie's grasp, but it drained me more than I originally thought. Back in the wastelands, I was able to get by on pure adrenaline. Once my body slowed down and rested, I realized how far gone I was. I could really use a drink, and lucky for me, I have an exquisite warm body right in my arms.

I gently brushed his hair back to expose his shoulder. The one that isn't scarred, of course. Scar tissue is difficult to bite through and often more painful for the victim. I let my breath linger on his skin a moment, letting his anticipation build. It does make the blood taste just a little bit better. He gasped as I plunged my teeth into his flesh. Ricky leaned back into my chest, holding onto my arms like the desperate whore he is. He wanted this more than I did. I could tell.

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