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It had been eight years since the firework birthday incident and Damien has been living in South Park ever since. Over those long years, Phillip and Damien had been growing up as friends. Well...acquaintances. Pip wouldn't really call them friends since they only spoke during lunch.
It was just another day in high school. Being a junior was terrible. Being a junior amongst other juniors was worse than that. Phillip walked down the halls of the school, going to all of his classes, getting pushed around, the usual routine. Once it was lunch time, he plastered a genuine smile on his face. It was time to talk to the only person who would somewhat listen. Damien Thorn.
Pip got his lunch and sat down across the dark haired boy.
"Hello, Damien!" He chirped.
"Hi." The boy grunted out, keeping his head down. Their conversations almost always went this way. The british boy was starting to get tired of it.
"Do you maybe want to hang out after school?" He blurted out, covering his mouth after. Pip had never been so bold before, why was he acting out like this now? The other boy seemed to be both surprised and intrigued as he perked up.
"After school? Um...sure." Damien sighed out, moving some of his hair out of his eyes before grabbing his tray and getting up.
"Bell's about to ring. See you after school, Pip." He spoke in an almost monotone voice as he headed off. And sure enough, the bell rang just as he was heading out of the lunch room. 'See you tonight, Damien..' Pip thought before cleaning up and heading to his next class.
Throughout the day the only thing he could think about was hanging out with his new friend. What would they even do? What was going to happen? The Brit boy was ecstatic at the thought of what was to happen tonight. Oh, how joyous! He had an actual friend outside of school!
The last bell for school rang out and it was finally time to meet up with his friend. He walked to the boy's last class, nearly sprinting to catch him.
"Hey! It's after school!" He joked as they walked to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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