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She kept questioning herself, just... Why ? Why she had to do this ? There was no reason to just mount a wyvern. She wasn't trained, nor skilled, she didn't even understand the whole process in trusting your 'war's pet' and let it to its job. It wasn't easy, no, it was just bad and she knew that, she knew it with all her hear, yet, here she was, facing the draconic creature that kept on staring at her with some sort of glare, probably sensing her doubts and her repulsive feelings at the moment. "Stop staring at me like that..." She angrily spoke, stepping aside a little before a pair of hands could hold onto her arms from behind. "I didn't know you were such a coward Teach." A pause was taken as she turned her head a little, glaring at Claude for making fun of her situation. "Hey, i'm just joking, you know I don't mean it." Her eyes closed, as her back layed against his chest, fingers searching for his own, finding them thanks to his fast actions.

The female truly adored how he would touch her in such nice and loving way; it was just their own way of showing simple affection to each other when they were surrounded by nobles and aristocrats. "You know I trained to be a swordmaster Claude, being a wyvern lord, that's your job and you are already amazing at it, so explain to me, why do I have to do this ?" She turned, this time completely, looking right at him with a questioning expression as he just smiled back, brushing his glovered fingers against her cheek. "Let's just say... I have my reasons for that..." A wink was given and she rolled her eyes in a very dramatic way as her mouth would open. "Are you planning something behind my back ?" He would look almost defeated, his glovered hands would drop as his head would tilt a little to one side. "Ouch, this hurted me." Yet he kept on his speech. "I can't believe my lady thinks I'm scheming behind her back." She crossed her arms, smiling at him, because, if she was to be honest, his way of speaking and especially acting so innocently made her way too happy. "You are such an idiot Claude." He winked at her, getting a little closer as his head would lower to reach her height. "You love me though." Her fingers cupped his cheeks, caressing his sideburns, getting dangerously close to his lips. "I do. I love you and I trust you." He looked at her like she was the most adorable and beautiful angel on earth, yet in his eyes she could catch a little bit of his devilish schems. "Then..." He said in whisper, getting closer to her face. "...Close your eyes."

She immediatly closed them as his strong hands would wrap around her back, meanwhile his other would slide under her legs, just to pick her up like a princess, making sure she was okay, he let her arms fall around his neck, holding onto him like a tiny innocent doll.  "What are you doing ?" She whispered as he would approach the wyvern sit on the ground, ready to be mounted by the female. "N-no..." She spoke, a bit scared, something she would never show; 

she was so unusual to being scared and showing her emotions that for a second she was even shooked about her treambling response. "I swear, you are so adorable right now..." He spoke holding her tightly against his chest as he would lay down a bit to catch a glimpse of her face, leaving a tiny kiss on her nose and cheek. "Your beard it's ticklish..." She composed herself, speaking a bit too softly at the moment as one of her hand would rearch for his face, caressing his cheek a little. "I feel like my plan is falling apart with you being so cute and adorable in my arms." She didn't react but she could hear he was trying to resist the urge of kissing her and having loving moments with her. "Then...forget about the plan and just hang out with me ?" He would smile a bit before squeezing her in his arms, closing both eyes. "Do you think i would give up so easily ? Teach come on..." She felt the urge to kiss him at that moment, but for some reason he resisted her as he legit would drop her gently on the  wyvern's back, making sure she wouldn't just jump away from his arms and from that position.

"Hey it's going to be okay, just put your legs on both sides of it." She was reluctant but there was no escape so, she did it, both of her legs would touch and press onto the wyvern's back getting a little bit of roar from the creature, making Byleth yelp, causing her to grip more onto Claude's neck as he closed one eye, weakly smiling at her due to that gesture. "Teach I hate to say that, believe me I do, but you are squeezing me too tightly." She seemed so mortified as she let him go, though her hands would still be on his shoulders just to make sure he wouldn't escape. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere." He gave her a soft and kind smile before stepping backwards a bit still looking at her to make sure she was okay. "See, it's not that bad." She was still not sure, so he layed a bit onto her, putting both of his hands by her sides, lowering his back over her petite figure. "Feeling good Teach?" Byleth looked at him, still worried but at the same time more relaxed thanks to his lovely attentions. "Yes... i do, thanks Claude." He gave her a big cheery smile, laying closer, pressing his forehead against hers. "Good girl." he whispered as the female felt the urge to reply to his voice. "Claude..." He would respond immediately. "Yes ?" She gave a tiny soft smile, cupping his cheeks once again in her hands. "Kiss me." He didn't think twice, and just as she asked for it, he leaned in, kissing her with love and passion, pushing himself a little bit forward with his body,  deepening the kiss.

He sure teasted like wild berries and she couldn't but smile at it, eventually making him break the kiss a bit before catching her lips, once again, surprising her with such romantic and loving gesture. Byleth ended up wrapping both arms around his neck and god, god... he swear she was the best thing he ever tasted in all his life. It took him a lot of self control to just stepping back, especially when she sigh and whispered into his lips getting him so excited and in the mood for so many things. "C-Claude..." Her whisper was melody to his ears, gosh, she was such a perfect woman and how in love, how in love he was with her ? So in love to the point he had to lay his head on her shoulder, still supporting himself on the wyvern with both his hands. "Teach I hope you realize that by saying my name like that you are making this really hard for me." She almost blushed at his words but somehow remained composed on her own position letting him stay where he was for a few seconds, before he would push his back up, stepping away from her a little, noticing how cute she looked with his natural lipgloss on her lips.

"I think... I'm okay now." Her voice seemed soft but also determinated, she was way sure now than before, and it seemed the animal could feel it too. "Then, I guess it's time for the next step." She opened her eyes immediately, sweating hard at his cheery words as she looked at him with the most scared expression she had, eventually feeling like she was about to die at any giving moment. "Woah, woah... hey..." Her hand reached out to grab his own as he just grasped it, holding tightly onto it, caressing her fingers with his own. "Okay, okay, I got it. No next step then." She wouldn't even dare to let his hand go, not now at least and not in her conditions. "I don't know what's your plan, but it's sure not working Claude." He sighed closing both of his eyes as he re-opened them to look at her. "Truth be told, my plan seemed very simple but I didn't count the fact it would have take a lot of time for you to learn how to fly with a wyvern." She gazed upon him. "What do you mean?" His greenish eyes would focus on her, giving her he his classical wink, smiling in the end of his act. "I wanted to fly with you by my side." He paused, helping her getting on the ground. "Claude...you really...." A sigh was given. "You are so..." He tilted his head to one side. "-So ?" He repeated smirking and giggling a little as her cheeks would just light up with a rosy and pink color. "Good. You are, just good." Her blush was evident, honestly she would have already jumped into his arms and hold him, but, that wasn't like her ? Right ? 

Instead she pushed herself a little forward, just to step on the ground thanks to Claude also holding her hand and making sure she would not fall. "So teach, what do you say ?" She looked at him a little confused. "Wanna keep training to reach the sky with me?" she smiled kindly before approaching him, gently pushing his head down just to kiss him right in that spot, gripping on his messy dark locks, biting on his lower lip a bit, nibbling on it before smooching him again, one last time before breaking it, still, keeping that closeness. "You have your response, my King." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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