☆ Chapter 1 ☆

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   Y/N POV

"Hey! Y/N," my friend Miyeon called out to me. I'm a freshman in high school and trying to figure things out here.

       Today is my first day of school and my morning was quite hectic.

      After I had finish eating breakfast I went to go to the bus stop. I felt like I was forgetting something, but I chose to ignore it.

      I wanted to meet my best friend at the bus stop so I took my phone out of my backpack to call her.

       I reached my hand behind me and then realized... I LEFT MY BACKPACK AT HOME.

      I sprinted back home to get my backpack and when I went back to the bus stop, they already left.

         As if my morning couldn't get any worse, it started to rain. I will be soaking wet when I walk into my classroom :(

      I felt a few drops on me then it suddenly stopped. I thought that the rain stopped, but then realized that everywhere around me was raining.

        I looked to my right and saw a tall guy holding the umbrella for me, he looked about my age.

       His uniform looked like he went to the same high school as me too.

         I'm not gonna lie he was quite cute ;)I looked at his name tag and read 'Nam Dohyon.'

    " Ah, luckily I brought an umbrella or else we've would've been soaking wet. My name is Dohyon, Nam Dohyon."

      "Oh, thanks for sharing your umbrella with me I'm Y/N."

     "So what school do you go to Y/N?"

     "Uh I go to S/N," I replied.

          "Oh really!?! Same we better get going or we'll be late," 

      We ran to our high school and we checked what class we were in. What a coincidence. We both have the same class.

        As we walked into our classroom I heard whispering from the girls in our class.

       "Woah who is that guy? he's so handsome" one of them said.

      "Who's that girl next to him? You think there dating?" Another one said.

        "Nah she isn't pretty enough for him" a girl replied.

      First day of high school and I'm already being called ugly. Haha great >:o I thought to myself.

      I left the classroom and walked around the halls to find my friend.

       "Hey! Y/N" my friend Miyeon called out to me. I bolted to my friend and hugged her tight.

          "Y/N what class do you have?" Miyeon asked excitedly.

        "I have class A-3 how about you?" I was so anxious to know what class she has because we haven't had a class together in a while.

     She frowned, I already knew she wouldn't have the same class as me.

       "I have.... CLASS A-3 TOO!" She almost yelled. "YAY okay we better get to class." I replied.

        We ran to our class and we sat next to each other. 

        "Oh that reminds me, where were you this morning? I saw you walking in with a boy, but I didn't want to interrupt what was going on" she winked.

       "Hey! It's not like that. I left my backpack at home so I had to run back and get it. When I ran back the bus was gone and it started to rain. The guy you saw me with lent me his umbrella. As a matter of fact he's sitting right across from us."

     "Woah he's kinda cute" Miyeon said shockingly.

      "Yeah and I'm pretty sure all the girls here think he's cute too. All of there eyes are glued on him, I-"

       "Welcome everyone" the teacher said while interrupting me.

       "I am Mrs. Jeon and I hope we have a good school year!"

       "Today-" as the teacher was talking a guy ran into the class.

       "I'm sorry Mrs. Jeon, I over slept, I'm Jinwoo." The guy said apologetically.

         "It's okay go take an empty seat, but remember if your late again I won't take this lightly." The teacher said.

     -Third Person-

Jinwoo sat down right next to Dohyon. Jinwoo and Dohyon have been friends for quite awhile.

       "Woah Dohyon, you really grew. It's sad that we couldn't hang out with each other over the summer." Jinwoo said with a cute pout.

       "Nah it's okay, at least we have class together." Dohyon replied.

          - Time Skip -

         "Dohyun, lets go to the cafeteria, I'm starving," Jinwoo said while his stomach was growling.

         "Uh yeah, just give me a sec," Dohyun said not even paying attention to his own friend.

   Dohyon walked over to Y/N and tapped her shoulder."Hey! Y/N do you want to go to the Cafeteria with us? It's good to make new friends you know?"  Dohyun asked.

          "Yeah sure why not, can Miyeon come too?" Y/N asked.

          "Yeah sure," Dohyun replied.

           "Oooooo," Miyeon whispered to Y/N while wiggling her eyebrows.

            "Oh shut up hahha, he was just asking to eat with us," Y/N whispered back to Miyeon.


Hello, this is my first fanfic and it's probably really bad. I really woke up at 1:30 AM and wrote this because I was bored 😗. Hope y'all enjoyed bye bye

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