The First Attack...

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*Alex's pov*

"RUN ALEX!" I hear Rhyce shout, urgency slipping into his already quaking voice.I turn to run but get tackled to the wet mossy ground.I let out a strangled scream,while trying to get out of this creatures grasp.I then open my eyes and see pools of amber.sparkling amber.The wolf/dog lets me go but stays at my side i turn to my friends "Alex y-your eyes!" nat screeches i suddenly hear a growl come from behind me.i double over as the wolf/dog leaps over me to capture everyones attention "ALEX!"Rhyce calls. The snow white wolf/dog lets out a bark and two identical wolves run and bound on the

twins "NOOOO!" i shout ready to get up

"don't run,its already done."

says a menacing female voice.I groan and flip onto my back i hear another bark and sit up straight I twist just in time to see a wolf with jet black hair and another wolf with a dirty blond coloured hair I instantly know who there here for...bella and nat.The dark haired wolf pounces on bella.i hear her scream.That blood curtiling scream...

Hia everybody I'm anyway_thewind_blows this is my first book soooo it's not that great buuuuuutta
Thanks for reading :) I'm currently writing this with a fractured ankle (REALLY hurts)so I know it's quite short but I would LOVE feedback and I will be writing another book called "when life gives you lemons...there's something REALLY wrong..." :) so if you want that will be out about next month kinda?i dunno anywho.comment and if you like, vote :) and all of you need to search up the key of awesome in youtube they are the best!!!!!comment what you think 😃

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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