My Flower

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Harry gave a soft sigh as he sat out on his balcony, elbow resting against the railing as he let his eyes just gaze out to the large garden that spread for what felt like miles and miles out in his yard. He was so lucky to have been blessed with the view he was able to get. Well, that’s a bold statement, really. He was actually born into the family of royalty in England and he may have pouted for about a week when he found out they were planting a garden and his room didn’t have a straight view of it. Up until his mother decided to move his room from the front of the house with a view of the front yard to what used to be her sitting room in the back of the house with a balcony overlooking the backyard. To say he jumped for joy and was dancing around while their butlers and maids all moved his things to this new room and trying to help even though he kept being scolded would probably be an understatement.

That was a year ago. Now, they had such a grand variety of flowers and plants and vines all around their yard. He even helped his mother in setting up the plans for it by suggesting archways and ponds built in here and there as well as a small little stream they could build a tiny bridge over. He absolutely adored everything having to do with nature and flowers and Harry was always trying to spend most of his time out on the balcony as he possibly could. That fact didn’t change a single bit when a new face started showing up to water the flowers and to tend to new additions in the garden one day.

“Mother?” Harry spoke one day as he started to walk into the Queens sitting room that used to be his old room. There, he found his mother sitting on one of the chairs with a book in her hand and her beautiful dark colored hair tied up in a ponytail that was situated in a string of braids. She really was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life. He adored his mother so much and was protective of her despite being a bit of a… flower in some aspects.

“Yes, darling?” The Queen spoke up softly as she slowly closed her book but to keep her page, one of her hands was sandwiched in between.

“Who is that in the garden outside?” Harry asked, moving over to sit down besides his mother, facing her with his head tilted slightly to the side.

“Chin up, back straight, my dear.” Anne spoke softly with a smile and watched as Harry fixed his current posture. “That is the new gardener. The old one had retired, poor thing. Hunched over all day every day for years and years must really be hard on someone of her age, don’t you think?”

“Oh... Well, I am glad that she stopped before she worked herself to an injury...” Harry said softly with a small sigh. “But um… This new gardener, then…”

Anne hummed a bit as she just looked at Harry, waiting for him to continue speaking.

“What’s his name?” Harry asked, tilting his head slightly in curiosity before he caught the way his mother gave him a look and then just moved to straighten up his head again. That seemed to please her.

“I believe Louis was his name.” Anne stated simply with a slight raise of her shoulders before she opened her book back up again and went back to reading right where she had left off. “Why do you ask? Has he done something you do not like?”

“What? No. Of course not. He is tending to the garden in a very lovely fashion and I appreciate it very much. That’s all.” Harry said softly and looked down at his lap with a small smile.

“Oh, good. I’m very glad. Maybe you can go talk to him about that arbor that you want on the side of the house by your balcony. I really have grown to like that idea. It will make the side of the house look like it belongs as part of the garden rather than a house all on its own.” Anne spoke softly. She had such a wonderful grace to her, so eloquent and just mesmerizing to be around.

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