Tonight was beautiful.

It had just stopped raining. I had been in the library finishing up a paper. Midterms were coming up in less than a month and I couldn't wait to go home for fall break. This year fall break landed at the perfect time and I was able to go home for the State Fair. It was the biggest carnival or fair in the state of North Carolina. It happens every October. There's giant turkey legs, sketchy rides, and it was basically heart attack central when it came to food. It was hard not to spend at least a hundred dollars there. I was planning to fly home and visit all my friends from high school who stayed local and of course, to see my parents. You know the typical college break shenanigans. I honestly couldn't be more excited. But all that was still about a month away and I needed to focus on school. Even though North Carolina fall was calling my name but yet so did sleep.

The smell of wet asphalt danced in the air as I wondered through the park to my favorite late night coffee shop. The city was quiet, but I took it all in. It reminded me of a steady night back home. I took in the smell of the evening loving the wet earthy smell that rose from the puddles. Nothing could ruin this moment. Everything was calm- or well as calm as it can be in Los Angles.

I know, I know I am far away from home. I applied to the University of Southern California for shits and giggles. It really is my dream school. I got to go to a school my parents were more than likely not going to come visit me. But my parents and I didn't have the money. My Gran wanted me to go see the world so her and my grandpa are paying for me to attend USC. I could not be more thankful for this opportunity.

I looked down at my watch. Great, it was one thirty am. I sighed and turned left, following the muddy concrete. There was a bit of a commotion going on as I walked towards the road. People were running around with cameras. What was going on at one thirty am for people to be running around with cameras? My dreary mind couldn't fathom to understand what what going on. So I ease-dropped a bit, but kept walking.

"Where did he go?" I heard one of them ask as I passed by a group of them.

"He couldn't have gotten far," another said.

"Over here!" A voice came from a distance away.

I rolled my eyes. I had reached the street. Of course paparazzi would be out now. Do they ever sleep? I wondered which poor celebrity they are going after now. Shaking my head, I crossed the almost dead street. Jogging up the steps to the small shop, I opened the door. The smell of fresh coffee hitting my nose as the door swung inwards. Wire had the best coffee in LA. Better than Starbucks coffee, if you could believe it. But really, anything is better than Starbucks, right?

"Eliza," a voice boomed from behind the counter. "Back again?"

I gave a small laugh as the door swung open again behind me. The small bell above the door rang signaling someone else had entered the small shop. The new person bumped into me and made a bee line for the back of the store. How rude? I thought, but ignored the new person. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the shop owner, Tom. He gave me a warm smile. I had already been here tonight before I had headed to the library.

"Yes," I said, eyes flickering around the empty cafe. "I couldn't resist the best coffee in LA on my way back to my apartment."

Tom laughed and reached for a cup. "Here or to go?"

"To go, please," I said, smiling softly and stepping closer to the counter. "Will you put some coconut milk and caramel drizzle in there for me, Tom?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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