The begining

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You know that feeling of wanting something so bad that you will hurt anyone that gets in your way? Yeah that's me, for my whole life all I've ever wanted was just my fathers accepted or proudness of me I even hurt people I cared about around me. Everyone...
But let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we, let's jump back a couple months where it all began.

Right now I'm on a train, I'm going to California to meet my host family. Yeah I'm a exchange student I'm going to be at California for about one year! I'm so ready for this trip!

*1hour later*

When I hopped of the train I looked around to see my new family, then I suddenly saw a piece of paper that had my name on it. I started walking over there when I saw they were a complete outta weirdos. But I still have to live with them?

"Darling why the fuck are you wearing your pyjamas? We're about to meet her!" Said a beautiful women.

"Um because it's 2am and I'm fucking tired! And anyways she isn't here yet?" Shouted a weird little man.

I continued walking to them until they saw me I was completely frozen it was time. It was time to do this...

"Hey, I'm Victoria" I said noticing that I looked like a train wreck

"Hi Victoria I'm Amelia and this idiot next to me is James" said Amelia while staring at her husband.

I stood there looking at them very awkwardly wondering how was I getting out of this?

After a couple minutes of just chatting and getting my stuff I hopped in the car and was heading to my new home. I do have to say they seem quite nice but to bad this isn't going to last forever.

When we arrived I hopped out of the car then Amelia said something that caught my attention.
"Just saying we have two kids that are little rascals so beware!"
After hearing that I completely regret everything I have ever done, I hate kids with a burning passion. But then I started to look at their house it was beautiful, it was a brown brick house, 2 story and a beautiful garden.

I went inside and I saw their so called "kids" who were actually about my age. At first I saw a female that looked a little younger than me? Jet black hair that was very curly, olive skin that looked absolutely gorgeous, she had full thick lips and her eyes were the prettiest green.

I then looked next to her and saw her brother I'm guessing? Who I must say looked like a god! His hair was jet black, skin was light, how I wish I could run my fingers all over that body and hair.... But then his eyes holy his eyes are magical they are pure white...

Hang on no! I can't and won't have a crush I can't... I'm not here for that, then I suddenly heard a masculine voice.
"Hey you must be Victoria? I'm Ethan and this is my sister Amanda" God even his voice is hot!
"Hello" said a very high squeaky voice that instantly snapped me out of it.

"Hey" I said trying to act confident and that I wasn't staring for the past 10 minutes...

He then walked off followed by his sister, Amelia then showed me my room and I went to sleep.

When I woke up I was in my old bedroom. How the fuck did I get here I was thinking? Then my dad walked in..
"Remember our deal si?" He said very fiercely
I then went and said "Yes I remember sir! I won't let you down!" Then everything went black I could feel my heartbeat starting to race and race and race until it stopped... I then woke up sweating.

"Ugh it was just a nightmare" I whispered to myself. I then got up had a shower and got into a pair of ripped jeans and a black crop top with a leather jacket. I went downstairs to already see everyone awake and eating breakfast,

"So how was your sleep" Said Amelia so cheerfully
"It was alright" I said very straight forward.

For the rest of breakfast I hardly talked mostly because I hate small talk! They were mostly talking about random shit that I wasn't paying attention to. But after a couple minutes it was time to actually go to school to be honest I wasn't scared at all since I already have something planned....

I walked into the school grounds seeing Amanda and Ethan already ditching me, I then saw a familiar face,


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