Chapter 1

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1: It's been a while since I wrote a Fanfiction, so I maybe a little rusty.

2: Despite what has happened in the cartoon, the timeline and events will be different.

3: Some characters maybe be OTT (Over the Top) or OOC (Out of Character). This is a fanfiction afteral.

4: I like to write in script form. If you don't it, then that's fine by me.

5: I DO NOT own the characters, except for the story.

6: I normally start with a T-Rating, but most likely this story will end up as M-Rated.

7: KO and Fink will be a lot older in this story, with the odd flashback to their ages from the cartoons. I'm unsure of their age, so younger Fink will be 7, older will be 18. KO, I'm led to believe is 10ish(?) and old version is 21.

Chapter 1

The dust was dying down. Shadowy Figure was lying on the ground, in a fetal position, holding his chest as blood was flowing through his fingers and slowly making a pool around him. He groaned in pain as it was unbearable. He looked up…and could see a small figure walking towards him. He gasped as soon as he could see the figure clearly, emerging from the dying dust cloud.

SHADOWY: You? (Grits his teeth) Why…? Why, have you done this to me? After all the things I've done for you. I created you, I made who you are…and t-this is the thanks I get…?

FIGURE: I'm…s-sorry.

SHADOWY: No…you're not. (Coughs up blood)

FIGURE: I had to do this. It…it was the only way. (Starts to get teary) I just…didn't like who you become. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…

SHADOWY: (Getting weaker) Maybe…you're right. Maybe…it w-was for the best. (Coughs up more blood) Kill me. End my suffering…

The small figure nods and wipes away their tears, before clenching their fists. Ready to punch through Shadowy's head.

SHADOWY: I'm…s-so proud of you…

Without any hesitation, the fist when through Shadowy's chest, killing him instantly.


11 years later.

KO instantly woke up from his sleep, gasping. He looked around to find himself on a coach. It took him a few seconds to realize this…he was on the coach to his old home town: Lakewood Plaza. He controlled his breathing, trying to relax himself. The next stop would be outside Gar's Bodega…his former work place. He looked out the window and was surprised how much it…hadn't changed. He chuckled to himself.

Eventually, the coach stopped and KO grabbed his bag and got off.

The coach left, leaving him on his own, though he wasn't own his own per say, as the plaza was packed, full of people and superheroes in their own right.

It had been 11 years, since KO was last here and he simply couldn't believe that hardly anything had changed, maybe the odd building here and there but otherwise it was still the same. He'd turn around, to see the old factory that used to be Boxmans, just corroding…but the factory seemed to be active, since there was black smoke coming out of the thick red chimneys…probably under new management. KO half smiled, he sort of knew who was controlling it. But…that would come later, he had more important business to attend to, but first, he wanted to see his mum.

OK KO Let's Be Heros: The Bond of Good and Evil (Older KO x Older Fink) Where stories live. Discover now