Chapter Eight

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'Demi, you need to go' Selena said, running up to me, 'Eliana, she left, she's all alone out there'

I frowned at my former best friend, 'Elly would never'

I brushed her off, walking into our change room, expecting her to be sitting there watching Netflix on my phone, instead the trash can was knocked over, the decorated envelope she had been given torn to pieces, a note lay on the floor, ripped in half. I only had to read the title for my stomach to fall into my stomach.

101 reasons why Eliana De La Garza should kill herself - signed by the entire school

I ran back out to find Selena, panic arose in me, I should've never let that girl give Elly that letter, I should've listened to my little sister. After running a lap of the entire stadium and not finding Selena my heart began to race. I frantically grabbed my phone out of the change room and dialed the number I had in my phone for her, hoping it would still be the same one


'Which way did she go?'

Left, why?

'It doesn't matter, I need to find her now'

I'm already in my car, looking.

Damn, it didn't take her long. I guess I was going to have to run left and pray that I found her. I should've listened to her. I should've taken her asking about death more seriously instead of brushing it under the rug. I needed someone faster, more rational than I was.

I ran the fastest I could to the nearest exit, running into Nick as I was just about to get out, 'Demi? what's the'

'We need to go, now, Eliana is missing' I yelled, grabbing him by the arm, 'Nick she's going to kill herself' I shoved him the torn letter in my hands, 'I don't know where she is'

Nick looked down at the letter, his eyes widening as he read it, 'Bridge, she's at a bridge' he yelled, getting us into his car, 'you need to call Dallas'

I hesitated, but did as he said, Dallas was the only person who deserved to know what was going on right now

'Eliana, bridge, please go check she's okay'

Then I hung up before she could even get a word out, 'Demi, you need to be more specific'

'More specific, Nick we don't even know where she is! She's nine, she doesn't get that if she jumps off that bridge then she's going to die'

Nick sighed, 'I think she does Demi'

@milliebobbybrown: look who I just spotted @elianasophia

'I know where she is' my stomach dropped, she's not that far away from where she's going, 'Nick fucking floor it'

I text Dallas the location, and then forwarded it to Selena, hoping one of them would make it there in time. please elly, hold on.

I couldn't stop bouncing my leg, I needed to be with her, I needed to have her safe in my arms, I needed to know she was going to be okay. Not knowing was driving me insane, she could be dead right now, this could all be for nothing.

I couldn't stop myself from bursting into tears, I don't know what I'd do if I lost my little Elly-Bear. I knew, and I didn't do anything about it because I thought she was too young, 'Dems, she's a strong kid, she's probably just taking the long way home'

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