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     "Y/n, get up! Your uncle is babysitting today!" You woke up to a yell and something soft hitting your face. Taking the softness off of your face you spotted your father standing there, face contorted into a smug grin. You glared at him, why must he insist on waking you up this way? He then abruptly walked out of the door leaving it only slightly open. Huffing, you jumped out of bed to shut the door. 

     What time was it anyways? Checking your phone it read 6:00. Nope, no, not doing that. You then fell back in bed. After several minutes of tossing and turning you found yourself unable to go back to sleep. 

     Time to face the consequences of the day. While your uncle wasn't a bad man he certainly was eccentric. Pulling yourself up again you begrudgingly got ready. It was the weekend. And you had to wake up at six in the morning.

      At least he didn't wake you up at the ungodly hour of 4 am. Your father seemed to think the weekends were meant for work. Well at least one of your fathers. School was draining enough as it is. Your other father liked to sleep in too, but when they had to go out of town your dad would get him up. 

     You put on a (color) shirt and (color) shorts/pants/skirt. Now off to breakfast. A few hours later after breakfast a knock sounded at the front door. Your dads answered the door and were bombarded with hugs, kisses, basically all sorts of affection. After the hug fest he spotted you almost squeezing all of the air out of your lungs. 

     "Y/n!" Being accustomed to his extreme hugs you lived, sadly not without turning a little red from oxygen deprivation first. 

     "Have fun! Audiós!" 

     "Yeah, addio." After that your uncle turned back to you with a grin. 

     "I'm so excited! I brought something cool to do today! You'll have to wait awhile though, okay?" 

     "Okay?" Afterwards he ran off excitedly. Giving you a perfect view of a strange symbol on the back of his neck. Thinking nothing of it you went back to your room to do (activity of choice). Hours later and it was getting dark. The house remained silent. 

     Getting worried you decided to go check on how things were going. Your uncle was prone to sudden bouts of clumsiness. Stepping out of your room you could see nothing. The house was almost pitch black, save for the eerie yellow glow in the distance. Following the glow it revealed itself to be coming from the guest room.

     You tiptoed to his room slowly opening the door. Creeek. Damn, creaky hinges every time. Peaking through the door was near impossible and now you had your uncle blocking the way. "Sorry about that Y/n! If you're hungry I saw leftovers in the fridge." 

     "I just wanted to see if you were alright." 

     "Don't worry about me! I'm the one who's supposed to make sure you're alright!" Giggling he shut the door. Now that he mentioned it you did want something to eat. It was another few hours before he finally called for you to come out. Following his voice into the kitchen you were disappointed.

     He was b a k i n g. All of that waiting for this. What was even the point? Stepping closer you realized some of the ingredients looked odd or even downright alien. Like sick parodies of their normal counterparts.

     "What are we making?" You asked trying to keep your voice from quivering. Your uncle could be scary in certain circumstances. 

     "You'll see," he stated bluntly. That was very unlike him. Then he started to sing. Telling you which items to hand him, sometimes having to describe the more disturbing looking ones. You were even hesitant to touch some of them, wincing once they were in your palm. Placing it in the oven he even started to dance. 

     But abruptly he disappeared. "Feliciano, where are you? H-hello?" A pink glow started to emanate around the room along with a terrible, indescribable sound. The room started to shake before you finally passed out.

Babysitting [Italy & Child!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now