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Crash! "Gahh!" He was struck across the room by a dark figure nearly killing him but still barely alive."It was so nice of you to visit Xender....Xender!....XENDER!!" He opened his eyes to a voice calling him. " Xender come on! Wake up already!" He then relized who was calling him. "Oh! I...i'm coming Reni!" He quickly got up, changed his clothes, and then rushed out of his house still half-asleep looking at his best friend/training partner. He was glad she was there to help him out if she wasn't there he wouldn't know who to turn on for help and his master would've just sat there and said, "you just got to do it." "Gee Xender it's about time you got up ha-ha", she looked at him cross- armed with a fake angry face but then just smiled with a light joyful laugh. "Now come on Xender master Yesitin is expecting us for an important training session." He watched his friend as she ran up the trail abit, then stopped to wave at him to hurry up. "Dont worry! I'll catch up I just have to grab my sword and shield!" As he ran back inside his house, he thought back to the dream he had, with millions of questions flowing through his mind like what was it about? Or if it was going to happen? He then shook the thought away, back to reality grabbing his utilities, and then hurried off to where he was supposed to meet up for the training. "Sorry I'm late master... I needed to grab my things for today..." He said as he respectfully bowed to his master. "Now then Xender it's quite alright I understand." He had looked up at his master relieved he wasn't in trouble. "Thank you master..." He smiled. "Now then young ones... Are you ready for your training for when you set foot for destiny when it decides its your time to act?!" The two nodded and agreed to their master. "Alright then... I need you two to work as a team, for your first assignment today you both need to work on your attacks, use the dummies I have set up for you... Xender! Use your lightning slash on them!" He did as he was instructed a finished it successfully not even breaking a sweat. "Excellent now try using your lions roar to blow the enemy away from you if needed in emergency health situations!" Again, Xender did exactly as asked. "Great job! Now as you may know these are your non-basic moves lets try your regular strikes, spin attack, and stab!" After he finished them, his master was very pleased with how much progress that was made in one day and he decided Xender was ready for anything that's thrown his way. "Ok now to get to you Reni use you-.." He was cut off by a large crash coming from somewhere in the city. Then after a few seconds their training room roof was demolished and a large black cloud like hand reached and grabbed Reni. "No! Xender! Help me! Please!" She struggled to get free but had no luck and after another attempt, they dissapeared right before him and his masters eyes. Then a low evil like voice was heard it grumbled saying, "you will never see yours princess ever again!" Xender was puzzled with the words that were heard, "what?! What do you mean?! Not Reni she's not a princess! Your mistaken by her shes just a regular village girl!" He was furious and confused with what was going on but then there was an evil laugh after the voice was no longer heard. " Xender... Theres some thing you must know about Reni. She's not just an ordinary village girl she's actually the princess of all spiritual bonds. Shes whats keeping this world in balance with the spirit world. And if someone evil were to take over her spirit energy... Then well... They have control over anything and everything they want... Now i'm to old to venture on in this world so I entrust you to go on and save Reni and the world before it's too late... Are you up for the task? Such as this one" Xender saluted and smiled, "yes master I think i'm ready for my destiny to shine, Reni's my friend... I'd hate to see anything happen to her..." He shuddered at the thought of every possible horrific thing that could be happening to her right now. "No! I shouldn't think like that because I wont let her get hurt! Not on my count! So master... Is there anything you might know on who could've taken her?" He was looking at him curiously and concerned. "Well let me see now hmm... Oh! Yes indeed I do at these rates of attack attempts it's definitely got to be the most evil of all evil... His name is Zacon Raze he is very powerful so this is going to be a tough challenge for you Xender so be careful on your quest, Reni and the world depends on you to save them." After that, he set out confident about his new quest to save his friend, everything was riding on his back depending on him to save them, and he was ready for it.

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