Durga pujo has always been a childhood fascination..
The pomp and show..
The fun frolic and laughter..
Counting of new dresses.. innumerable times..
The long awaited vacations..
The wait to visit new places was more enticing than hopping the pandals..
The long journeys by train.. taking me to faraway places..
And telling those travel stories over and over again to your classmates..From childhood pujo meant different things..
It was more of a reason to leave than to stay..
It was more of exploring new places..
Wait for new dresses.. shoes..
To tell stories of new experiences.. share memories of travel..
Wait for the pictures.. that took days to come..
It was everything that took me away from my city.. my home.. from any connections that could strike a cord with me..
So with years.. I grew distant with it.. my emotions never saw the light of the day.. that attachment was lost..
Pujo was just like any other vacations..
I never felt the magic it brought along with it..I never understood the beauty of "Wait.."