The Perfect Present

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Symmetra was looking on the wish list for her friends

• Mei : A new winter coat

• Sombra : Surprise me!

• : A pink gaming headset

• Roadhog : M̶y̶ ̶s̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶, Junkrat to be quiet for once.

• Soldier 76 : A tux

• Hanzo : A new bow

• Junkrat : A turret

• Genji : I want my brother's apology

• Mercy : To fucking murder Moira

• Moira : A puppy.

• Orisa : Majora's mask for skull kid

She skimmed over Junkrat's wish, but she looked at it again. He didn't want what she expected which had something to do with explosives. He wanted a turret, what the hell would he want a turret for and why would he need it? Oh well, his wish was easy enough compared to Mako's.

Junkrat's POV : What should I get her?

"God..What am I going to get Symmetra?" He asked himself, defeated. His room was covered in crumbled pieces of paper. Roadie already has his presents wrapped and prepared for Christmas. It was Christmas eve and Junkrat got all his friends gifts..well just roadie, but nothing for her.

 He kept thinking. what would a girl like her like? No, love. He wanted to give her something she'd remember. "Need any help?" Roadhog peeked in. "Yeah.. I can't think of a good gift idea." sighed Junkrat. "Well.. What does she like?" asked Roadhog. 

He paused a second,"She likes Hanzo." He shrugged,"That's something I suppose.. I thought you would've said Sombra but that's unimportant, Maybe you can set them up?" Roadhog suggested," Sombra, why would she like her?" He chuckled, "They're both awfully close.. but lets not beat a dead ship, Is their something else she likes?" Roadhog shrugs, changing to the original topic. 

Junkrat blinked, Awfully close? Like best friend wise or Girl friend wise? No, he couldn't linger on that thought. He needed to think of a perfect present for Satya. 

AhHhHHHhHHh this is really bad. I already have a second chapter ready. But I'll only publish it if this gets any attention. Welp see ya!

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