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hi!! i thought of this book idea while i was watching IT chapter two (completely irrelevant to the book though) ? so im sorry if its boring but i thought it was cool

the titles of all the chapters will be song recommendations because i have no one else to recommend music to, and ill try and link the song to the chapter so if you listen to music while reading you can listen maybe!!

also i apologise if i update this book really slowly </3 i have a lot on my plate school-wise so if i don't update im very sorry

also i apologise if i update this book really slowly </3 i have a lot on my plate school-wise so if i don't update im very sorry

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Kim Namjoon

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Kim Namjoon

Twenty five years old.

Namjoon lives on his own on the third floor of a small yellow apartment block in Gamla Stan, Sweden. His flat is small, but cosy. It smells of scented candles, paint, Jasmine and noodles (not a good mixture) and Namjoon is proud to call it home.

He likes to paint, to listen to music, to go on long walks at midnight (only if its in a lit up area), and likes the rain.

He dislikes sleep, dislikes being alone at night, dislikes the dark and dislikes mean people.

He dislikes sleep, dislikes being alone at night, dislikes the dark and dislikes mean people

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Kim Seokjin

Twenty six years old.

Seokjin also lives on his own on the third floor of a small yellow apartment block in Gamla Stan, Sweden. His flat has a lot of open spaces, and he keeps it clean and tidy ⎯⎯ although he rarely has visitors. His kitchen is the pride of his apartment, full of many cooking materials and different foods. His apartment smells of whatever meal he has decided on cooking for the night, and from the window he has a lovely view of the old town.

He likes peace and quiet, cooking, food, dad jokes and his own face.

He dislikes being woken up, he dislikes mean customers at his job, and he dislikes horror movies because he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He dislikes being woken up, he dislikes mean customers at his job, and he dislikes horror movies because he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry

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