Cooking with Freckles!

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"Today, you will learn to make delicious mashed potatoes with today's chef, Freckles!"

The camera panned to a german shepherd sitting on the floor in a chef's costume.  She was panting happily as the hat slowly fell off.  She stood and shook, making the hat fall to the floor.  Freckles sniffed it, wagging her tail as the camera slowly looked at the person again.

"Right... the first step is to smash the potatoes!"

The camera panned to Freckles again.  She was on the counter, sniffing the ingredients.  There were five potatoes, a measuring cup, milk, water, and a tub of butter.  She sniffed the potatoes and grabbed one, jumping to the floor with it.  She walked around the counter, finding a comfy spot to lay down as she ate it.  The camera looked up at the speaker, who cleared their throat.

"Next, we're going to add one cup of water..."

Freckles was back at the counter, sniffing the measuring cup filled with water.  She started drinking from it, getting water on the counter.  She eventually went back to chewing on a new potato, knocking the cup off with her mouth as she jumped down.  The camera, once again, looked at the man.

"...The third step is to add 3/4ths of milk..."

The camera looked at Freckles.  She was sniffing the tub of butter, using her paw to accidentally knock the measuring cup filled with milk over.  The milk splashed over the counter, making Freckles snap her head to it.  She sniffed it a bit before going back to sniffing the butter.  The man spoke, making the camera look at him.

"...Next... we add a tablespoon of butter..."

The tub had been opened in front of Freckles.  She worked as fast as possible to clean out the tub as the camera, once again, looked at the speaker.

"Uh... now we warm it up..."

The camera looked at the stove.  Someone on set put the pot, assumed to be filled with whatever was left of the ingredients, on the burner.  Freckles sniffed the knob, biting it and turning it up all the way.  She sat, panting, as the pot slowly set fire.  The one on set started freaking out as it spread to the counter.  He grabbed the fire extinguisher and tried to put it out as the camera looked at the narrator again.  He seemed nervous.

"Now, we serve!"

It showed someone trying a plate of potato crumbs, small bits of butter, and scorches on the food.  She hesitantly took a bite and instantly spit it out, disgusted.  The camera looked down at Freckles.  She was surrounded by pieces of potato and had somehow gotten Doritos and trash from the bathroom.  Her fur and costume had a couple of singes, showing the fire may have got on her.  She remained happily panting, her ears perking as someone off set yelled.

"How did she get those!?"

The show cut off, leaving the viewers in laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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