HEY! This Is no biography but let's come and see for ourselves or myself. Shall we continue, January 1st 2000 a girl named Viola was born she was so special If only she knew that even at her worst and she thought she was alone she wasn't .Your probably wondering well how and that's exactly where my or our story begins. When Viola was two years old she was always writing things in the air. Parents thought she was gifted but I knew it was more than that . So when Viola was four Years old she went to Kindergarten I know right four .She was actually smarter than all the other five or six year olds . Also, more mature she never played always studied never bullied but stood up to bullies when she was six, she had the mind of someone twice her age. Her parents thought it was because she was gifted . Which she was but ... gifted with something that when she found out it will change her life FOREVER.But once again I'm getting ahead of myself.Oh! Sorry I forgot my name is ShaKeyra and I was the one that Viola could think of ,but could not hear or see of .