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     Beep.       Boop. Beep.      Boop. Y/n was laying on the table. She was six years old, and wanted to do normal kid things. Like go to the park... But no she was at the hospital. The doctor came in with his annoying clipboard. He spoke to Y/n's parents. When he was done her mother was crying, and her dad hugged his wife close. With a glance at Y/n he asked,

     "Is there any good news?" The doctor sighed and responded rudely,

     "Look, she has the condition... there is a cure though." The parents looked excited, "But it's not like you can afford it anyway." He handed them the ER bill.

     "This is a lot but I am sure we can manage if I get a second job..." He trailed off as he saw the doctor shaking his head.

     "The bill you have there is for this visit. The treatment will be around...six-times that amount." The parents gasped, they could never make that much.

     "Is there any...cheaper cures?" Y/n's mother asked hopefully. The doctor nodded with a smile.

     "We do offer another cure." Then his smile faltered, something darker beneath it. "It is only temporary though. It will only last until she is sixteen-years-old. After that she could die at any time." The girls parents looked to each other than at Y/n who sat sadly on the table.

     "We'll take it..."

     The parents took Y/n home and explained the situation. Y/n was shocked and grief welled up inside of her. She sat in a trance that had a heart-breaking stare into oblivion. She went to bed and the next day her quirk manifested while she ate her breakfast - well it was more like NOT eating it.

     "I don't want eggs! They are gross!" Y/n threw a complete fit about the eggs. Her mom tried to get her to eat them with the "plane method". She picked up the fork and flew it to Y/n. Y/n reached up and smacked the eggs off the fork. The moment she made contact with the fork it began to melt and disintegrate. Her mother dropped the fork, it clattered to the countertop. All the places she had touched were gone, not a puddle or pile of fork bits to be seen, just gone. Six-year-old Y/n had begun to cough, she clutched at her chest and coughed violently. She doubled over coughing, she brought her hand to her mouth to wipe the liquid trickling out of it. It was blood but it was a fosforescent shade of green. It glowed as she coughed, some spattered on the counter and ground around her. Her father jumped off the couch and hugged her. She wheezed and sunk into his arms. Her mom was on the phone with the doctor. The call ended and she spoke quickly to Y/n's father,

     "The doctor says that if Y/n uses her quirk any more she may die." Her father nodded.

     "Y/n," he said seriously, "you can't use that anymore. If you do then you will get really sick and mommy will cry. You don't want mommy to cry do you?" Y/n shook her head confirming that she didn't want her mommy to cry. "Okay, now go get ready your math teacher will be here soon. And between you and me, we don't want to make that old witch cranky." Y/n giggled and scampered to her room. She sat on her bed and gazed at her hands with fascination. An idea popped into her head. She could get the money to get the medicine so mommy won't cry. She would become a hero, with her quirk. A million possibilities filled her head she would be the best hero ever. But as time wore on, she realized that she would never be a special great hero.

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