Kyle's Bad Day

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 Kyle swore as he saw the school bus driving away. He had overslept and was now running late for school.

Kyle walked through the snowy sidewalks until he arrived at South Park Elementary. As he approached the school, he felt a twinge from his bladder, and he suddenly realized that he'd forgotten to use the bathroom that morning. He briefly considered going to the bathroom before heading to class, but he didn't want to be even more late than he already was. Besides, he wasn't really desperate, and he figured he could hold it until recess.

"Sorry I'm late, Mr. Garrison," Kyle apologized as he walked into the classroom.

"That's okay, Kyle, just take a seat," Mr Garrison said.

Kyle saw an empty desk beside Stan and sat down. Unfortunately, he was also sitting beside Cartman.

"What happened, Kahl? Your bitch mom didn't wake you up this morning?" Cartman taunted.

"Shut up, Cartman, I'm not in the mood today," Kyle grumbled.

"Ooh, someone's on her period guys!" Cartman cackled. Kyle ignored him.

"Dude, what happened? You're never late," Stan said.

"I know. But my stupid alarm didn't go off," Kyle explained.

As the lesson continued, Kyle felt another pang from his bladder, only this time it was stronger. He was beginning to regret not using the bathroom before when he'd had the opportunity. But it was too late now, he couldn't ask Mr. Garrison to leave after he'd already been late to class. Plus, he didn't want to draw any more attention to himself. Not to mention, it was only about an hour more until recess, surely he could wait until then. Kyle crossed his legs and tried to ignore his growing urge to pee.

A few minutes later, Kyle groaned as he felt the urge again, this time a sharp pain in his bladder. Kyle started to fidget in his seat. He was really getting desperate now.

"Dude, you okay?" Stan asked, slightly concerned for his friend.

"Y-yeah," Kyle lied. Unfortunately for him, Cartman noticed his situation and wasted no time taking advantage of it.

"What's wrong, Kahl? Gotta take a leak?"

"N-no," Kyle mumbled, his face turning red.

"Kahl's gonna wet his pants, Kahl's gonna wet his pants," Cartman sang. Kenny snickered.

"Am not!" Kyle hissed. "I don't have to pee, Cartman!"

"OH, then you won't mind me talking about rain and waterfalls and fountains, right Kahl?" Cartman smirked. "Have you ever been to Niagara Falls, Kahl? I went there last summer. The water was just gushing everywhere. I drank a nice, tall glass of lemonade. It was so warm and yellow and wet."

Kyle moaned softly and grabbed his crotch, the suggestive imagery only making his pain worse.

"Cartman, shut the hell up!" Stan growled.

"Is there a problem, boys?" Mr. Garrison asked sternly.

"N-no, Mr. Garrison, everything's fine," Stan said quietly.

"Good, I better not hear any more whispering back there," he warned. "Now as I was saying..."

Twenty minutes passed and poor Kyle was in agony. His bladder was so full now he felt that he could lose it at any moment. His hand was buried in his crotch and he was almost in tears.

"Dude, why don't you just go to the bathroom?" Stan asked gently.

Kyle bit his lip. "I-I can't." He didn't know how to explain to Stan that he was too embarrassed to ask for the bathroom. But Stan understood; he frowned as he saw his friend clearly bursting to pee. He wished that he could help him somehow.

"Pst, Kyle." Cartman leaned over and whispered in Kyle's ear. "Pssshhhhh..."

Kyle whimpered as he heard the mock-waterfall sound. A stream of pee escaped from him and soaked his underwear.

"Is this pissing you off, Kahl?" Cartman continued to torment him. "You're a smelly Jew, Kahl. I bet you piss your pants all the time. And I bet you like it too." Kyle wanted to punch Cartman, but he just didn't have the strength at the time.

Just then, Stan had an idea.

"Dude, tell him to shut up. Really loudly, so Mr. Garrison can hear."

"W-what? Why?" Kyle whispered.

"Just do it. Trust me."

Kyle took a deep breath and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you stupid fatass!" It wasn't as loud and angry as his usual retorts, since he was concentrating most of his energy on holding in a full bladder's worth of pee, but it was definitely loud enough to get everyone's attention. Even Cartman looked slightly shocked.

"What was that?" Mr. Garrison snapped, turning angrily to face the students.
"Yeah, shut up Cartman!" Stan yelled loudly.

"That's it, both of you go to the principal's office now!"

Cartman giggled, clearly excited that he had gotten them both in trouble.

"Come on, Kyle." Stan grabbed Kyle's hand and led him out of the classroom, the latter softly whimpering as he walked in baby steps, trying not to lose it right there in front of everyone.

"What'd you do that for, dude?" Kyle asked as they made it to the hallway.

"So you can go to the bathroom," Stan explained. "I could see how badly you had to go, and I just didn't want you to suffer anymore."

"Oh." Although he was extremely embarrassed, Kyle was touched that his friend had been so considerate. "Thanks Stan." Stan smiled.

As they walked to the bathroom, Kyle suddenly felt an intense cramp attack him. He bent over and shut his eyes, both hands in his crotch. Another stream of pee escaped into his pants, soaking his fingers.
"Oh God, Stan..." he moaned, fighting back tears. "I... I don't think I can make it."

Stan put a hand on Kyle's back. "Just a few more steps, dude. You can make it."

Kyle walked a few more painful steps until they finally arrived at the boys bathroom.

"There. See? We made it," Stan said. "You go in, dude, I'll wait out here." Kyle nodded, grateful that Stan wasn't going in with him, on account of his bladder shyness. He hobbled into the bathroom, racing to undo his pants. He stopped when he couldn't get the zipper down.

"Oh no." He panicked and tugged desperately at the zipper but it was stuck. "Come on, please, goddammit-" And then suddenly it was all over.

Kyle felt a warm sensation in his crotch. He looked down and realized he was wetting himself. Shocked, he simply stopped resisting and let the pee flow out, soaking his pants and shoes, pooling at his feet. The relief felt amazing.

Meanwhile, Stan had noticed that Kyle had been in the bathroom for a while and decided to check on him.

"Hey dude, you still in here?" He said, opening the door. He froze when he saw Kyle standing there, surrounded by a large puddle, his pants soaked.

"Dude..." he muttered, not knowing what else to say.

"My zipper was stuck," Kyle said, looking down at the floor. His eyes filled with tears. He felt so humiliated. He couldn't believe he had just wet himself like a little kid (even Ike didn't have accidents anymore).

Stan walked over to Kyle and wrapped an arm around him. "Hey, it happens. Come on, let's go to the nurse's office."

Kyle sniffled. "O-okay."

They walked silently down the hallway to the nurse's office.

"Hey, Stan?" Kyle said, breaking the silence.

"Please don't tell tell anyone about this, okay? Especially Cartman."

"Don't worry," Stan said. "I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"Thanks, dude." Kyle gave a small smile. "You're a real friend."
Stan smiled back. "Anytime, dude." 

South Park Kyle Broflovski OmorashiWhere stories live. Discover now