I'll make a title later

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     Milo had been staring at his ceiling for at least an hour, trying to fall asleep. From his small bedroom, he could hear his mother and stepfather arguing in the next room, the subject of which being unknown to Milo, the raised voices being muffled by the walls of the house.

     He sighed, wishing he could just fall asleep, but his mind being kept awake in a panic, the boy being frightened by every creak of the floor boards or crack of the house's foundation. He hated feeling so anxious in his own home. Sometimes, it manifested into his life away from home as well.

     One night, he slept over at his friend, Kevin's, house. Kevin's father was walking down the hallway, the door to Kevin's bedroom being shut and having the door rattle slightly at each footfall. Kevin seemed u bothered, but felt concerned when he saw his best friend grow anxious, his body ridged aside from his shaking hands and the repeated tapping of his right foot. Milo knew he was over reacting, it was just foot steps! But, try as he may, he could never silence the terror he felt when he heard the door rattle.

     Another aspect of this fear was memorizing the sounds of his house when his parents were there or coming home. Whenever he heard the door leading out to the garage close and the sound of car keys rattling inside a small bowl filled with coins and other miscellaneous objects, he knew he had but a few minutes to 'hide.' He felt this instinct to hide no matter if he was doing anything incriminating or not.

     This nervousness escalated along with his parents annoyance and anger towards him. It grew to the point where he was almost afraid of the sound of his own door opening and closing. Even if he was just leaving his room or returning after a long school day, he felt fear bubbling in the pit of his stomach, almost expecting his mother or father to come out of no where and begin yelling at him.

     He was so used to the yelling, he never took his parents being kind to face value. Every time his mother would show any kindness to him, he felt fearful and suspicious, believing it to be a front his mother puts on to reassure herself that she is in the right before tearing away at her child's fragile self esteem and self worth.

     I wonder if other kids go through stuff like this... Milo wondered. He was always told that it was normal for married couples to fight, but he began to doubt it when he heard his step father and mother cursing at each other viciously, only fueling the fire of their feud.

     Milo sighed, rolling over. He looked at the hand-woven friendship bracelet on his left wrist, the orange and yellow string tied together, holding a small metal charm with the letter 'K'. He and Kevin had made each other friendship bracelets to make one another happy and feel loved.  One of the few things that kept him from hurting himself was seeing the bracelet hang over the area he wanted to hurt. The cold of the metal charm against his skin reminded him that he still mattered to someone. He smiled softly, thinking of the fun he and Kevin had together. Though he couldn't sleep, he could relive the moments he spent with his best friend at his side, feeling a small glint of happiness within the depraved despair he was surrounded by.

Author's Note: Sorry if this wasn't that good, I'm tired af and I haven't written in a while so here's a vent one shot :'D a lot of it is based from personal experience (so expect a lot of projection onto Milo in this book xD) I'm going to try to ease myself back into writing so I can get into a writing mindset >:D. Until next time!!!

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