Locker Room (part one)- Stackson

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Third Person POV

Stiles was aching. Coach had been brutal with their training today and he felt like shit. He also felt filthy, so filthy that he was actually going to use the locker room shower.

He always went home to shower after practice because he felt uncomfortable showering with the guys. He was slim and small compared to them. So he was insecure. But today he made an acception, he made sure to volunteer to put the equipment away so that he would have the shower to himself.

He even told Scott to catch a ride with someone else. What he didn't account for was Jackson spying on him and following him into the shower.

You see Jackson had been acting strange. He still messed with Stiles, but not the way he used to.

He would still push him into lockers only for him to discreetly sniff him and grind on him.

He would still bump him in the hallways. But he always grabbed Stiles in certain... Places.

See Jackson liked Stiles... a lot. So now he was making his move.

Jackson's POV

'God he looks so good.'

I thought while adjusting myself in my pants.
Stiles was naked in the shower room with water dripping down his body. I couldn't help but watch his hands as they worked their way over his pale skin. Gently rubbing and scrubbing so as not to irritate it.

I was holding myself back as I watched him turn so that his ass was facing me. His plump round ass. Then he bent over and started rubbing his legs and I felt my control snap. It was like he was presenting himself to me. Telling me to take him.

And before I knew it I was naked with Stiles against the wall.

Third Person POV

Stiles gasped as he was pushed against the wall. And he groaned when he felt something hard rub between his cheeks pressing on his hole.

"Get off of me!" Stiles said panicking. But all he heard was heavy breathing.

"Who are you?" He asked when they said nothing. Then all of a sudden he was facing... Jackson?

"Jackson?" He said in disbelief. He was met with silence as Jackson stared him down in a way they sent shivers up his spine.

"Jackson what are you do mmhh"
He was cut off as Jackson kissed him he tried pushing him away but then his hands were being pinned above his head. Jackson licked Stiles lips asking for entrance but Stiles pursed his lips.

Jackson used one had to hold Stiles hands in place and the other hand to grope his ass causing Stiles to moan and gasp, giving Jackson access to his mouth.

Stiles began to kiss back very confused and when Jackson pulled away he was in a daze breathing heavily.

"Jackson what are yooouuu doooiiiinnngg?" Stiles asked as Jackson assaulted his neck biting and sucking his sweet spot.

"I'm taking you" Jackson said with a deep voice that caused Stiles to shiver.

"Jackson you hate me get off of meeeeee" he began to moan as Jackson stroked him near the end of his sentence.

"Aaaaaahhh" Stiles moaned as he began to slide down the wall. Jackson had let go of Stiles hands so he could make use of his own. While he was stroking Stiles with one of his hands he was using the other to grope Stiles butt while he licked and nipped at his neck.

"We shouldn't be doing this" Stiles said.

When Jackson saw Stiles legs give out from the pleasure he smiled and picked him up, making Stiles automatically wrap his legs around Jackson's waist, and his arms around his neck.

But when what Stiles said finally hit him he frowned. "I don't hate you" he said.

"I just like to pick on what's mine" he stated smirking pushing Stiles back into the wall while grinding his dick in-between Stiles cheeks.

Then Stiles did something Jackson didn't expect... He giggled.


It was absolutely adorable... And annoying because he stopped paying attention to Jackson. So Jackson sucked on his neck and slapped his ass making Stiles moan, but Stiles was still laughing.

"So you're telling me that you were an asshole because you like me? Dear God that is the equivalent of a little boy pulling on a girls pig tails" Stiles said while laughing even harder.

"Who knew big bad Jackson had a crush on little old me. You are so childish" he said looking Jackson in the eyes, which now held an unknown glint in them.

"I am many things" Jackson said while probing Stiles hole with a soapy finger slipping it in causing Stiles to release a moan filled with pain and pleasure.

"But childish isn't one of them". Jackson said while thrusting his finger in and out of Stiles.


A/N :

What do you think? Should I keep writing?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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