Original Dream Vision Images - Thieves Exposed

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I was asked if I foresaw the Corey Goode situation I am in now, before it occurred in dreams. 

My answer is yes.

The following original hand written Dream Vision (DV) is from 2016. It is also one of the most obvious Dream Visions showing the situation I am legally seeking remedy for. 

When I first had this dream, I didn't know it was going to be an actual (largely literal) waking state situation I would be experiencing. My understanding of dreams since 2016 has grown exponentially.

((---To learn how to read your own dreams, get a copy of my award winning book,  "Dreams The Missing Text: What Are They? Why Do We Have Them? and How What We Do in Them Determines Waking 3D Life Experience" https://www.amazon.com/dp/099696083X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_rN2FDb355S5ER


Listen Free to Chapter 9 about Dark Entities and what to do with them, here:  https://youtu.be/yrOFtq1eRto ---))

The following Dream Vision occurred before I began sending CG a lot of my dreams during 2017. I didn't realize then I was foreseeing future events and situations (but Corey and his associates knew). Images below are on the court record and show Corey and his associates knew about my shamanic abilities notably since his for profit event, Eclipse of Disclosure held during August 2017. No remedy or attribution was given to me at any time for my art or other contributions. Below images are only one example of Corey and associates' '"synchronistic" public communications to me, which turned notably hateful, after I wanted remedy and attribution for my work.

 Below images are only one example of Corey and associates' '"synchronistic" public communications to me, which turned notably hateful, after I wanted remedy and attribution for my work

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During 2017, I was also under the false belief that Corey and his associates' (incl. David Wilcock, a fraud dream psychic) use and following of my work for content was "synchronistic." Corey Goode also claimed it was 'synchronistic' to me by email mid-December 2017, when he directly replied to me after the marriage dream (the one he regularly uses to publicly defame me). He also alledged he'd not been following my dream journals closely.  I told him "for the record" I did not believe him, as the evidence did not support that (see above), if it had I would have walked away a long time ago. 

Since Dec 2017, I have tried to communicate and settle privately, but Corey has avoided and evaded addressing the legal claims and he and his associates instead chose repeatedly to publicly and privately defame me. Corey even went so far as to open a frivolous lawsuit against me last year, for a crime I did not commit and he fabricated evidence to so. The case was summarily dismissed in my favor. As a result of this and a whole heck of a lot more, I am seeking an injunction to have him court ordered to stop defaming and harassing me.

In my pre-litigation affidavit complaint dated April 18, 2018 I called his use of my materials and public communications with me a "Synchronicity" 'Ruse De Guerre', deep state military tactic, used to defraud me of my highly coveted Dream Vision information. This affidavit remains unrebutted. An unrebutted affidavidt stands as truth in a court of law.

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