The First Flame

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Fire. That's all I've ever known. Burn those who stands in your way. And is they don't die, burn them again. That's what I was told, when I was younger. "Fire is your friend, not your enemy. Don't fear it, or you'll fear yourself ". So I stopped fearing it. I stopped fearing...... anything. I embraced who I was. I embraced what I was. But to tell to you what I am; I must first start at the beginning. With The First Flame.
The First Flame was a festival held in honour of the Elder Dragons. They were able to take mortal form, making much easier to mingle. The Elders would come down to feast, dance, laugh, drink, anything normal people would do. But one thing they couldn't do, was to bed a mortal. If they did, they would have to stand a watch their child and its mother killed. So on this one night, my mother, who was a dancer, just so happened to catch the eye of my father, who was the Elders Healer. Drunk on wine and lust, he bed her.

The next day, realising what he had done, told her to flee. She begged him to tell her why. He told her she was with a child. His child. She asked him who he knew. But she knew the answer. All the Elders had heightened sense in their choose field. The Warriors had heightened strength. The Alchemist were a lot smarter. But because he was a healer, he knew what was wrong with people before they told him anything. Gathering her stuff, she left in a hurry. Sadly, because of my fathers treachery, he was killed in her place.

My mother found an old friend (only known as The Master) a couple of towns up the river. He keeper her safe. But sadly, she died giving birth to me. I was half mortal and half Elder Dragon. So I looked like a mortal, only with wings, a tail and the abilities of my father. Left parentless, The Master took care of me, taking me under his wing, and began to train me. He began with a training exercise he liked to call Don't Get Burned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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