Cold King Oswald x Felix

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(Heads Up!: Oswald has only 2 children in this)
Felix POV:
"FELIX!!! GET UP NOW!! YOU'RE ABOUT TO BE LATE FOR YOUR WORK TRAIN!!!" I immediately got up and get ready as fast as I can. shit, I'll be late for work if I don't hurry up! I can't afford to be late for both the train and my job!! I'll have to skip breakfast so I won't be late. After I got myself dressed I immediately grab my Bookbag and start running to the train and jumped in. "Yes, On-time-" I looked at the time only to find out that it is 4:30 am. "SHEEBA!!!!!" I had to skip breakfast for this shit. "oh well, let's hope that there's something to eat at ToonsVille that's affordable I only have enough for dinner after work" I sigh knowing that I'll have to skip breakfast to get to the train for me to get to work on time, and I won't be clocking in til 6 AM to start working. As I was starting to overthink this situation, I snapped out of thought once I hear my phone going off. 
Felix: H-hello??
Felix: Y-yes sir! I'll make sure to show up on time to get the information!
Pete: Yeah whatever, if you skip breakfast again go ask my nephew Max for some food at the  restaurant his father owns, and you know the deal whenever you eat in my restaurant
Felix: Thank you, Boss!! And I know, don't ever expect it to be fresh for your employees
I hang up and notice the train stopping at the station and immediately walk out with my bag and run to the Office Building which is a mile away (IDK 0_0 roll with it) I-I'm Here Boss!! what's the location I'll have to be in for the interview? and who's the individual that I'll be interviewing?
Pete: You'll be interviewing the king, here's a paper full of questions you'll be asking him. Some are about bettering the kingdom and some are about his family and all that.
I took a look at these questions and realize that a handful of them are full of questions about the King's late wife which got me nervous and almost panicking B-boss, don't you think that these questions are over the edge to the King?
Pete:  Yeah well That's what the people want to talk about and they won't shut the fuck up about the King's late wife, Look kid, I'll pay you to double if you do this interview
Felix: Fine Boss, I'll try to get as many answers in great detail without upsetting the king and hopefully not get the death penalty.
Pete: That's the spirit, Kid! you'll be at his castle in his office so Good luck and here's the train ticket, And since you came here 2 hours before your shift. You have enough time to eat and mentally prepare yourself for that interview and you catch the train in 3 hours. The servants at the castle informed me that a driver will pick me up and take me to the castle
Felix: Yes sir 
I grab the ticket and go to a restaurant right next door to get some coffee and some crepes, "I can't believe that I'll be interviewing THEE KING OSWALD!! I hope that I won't offend the king by asking about his family."
Max: FELIX! your food is ready to eat up! I don't want you starving during your interview!
O-oh! I'm so sorry Max, I-I was just thinking about the individual that I'm assigned to 
Max: Oh? who're you interviewing this time?
I look at Max smiling, he's always been so interested in my job, whether it's a short or long interview or review. He would always make sure to be the first one to hear about it, he would always ask me about it and I would always be happy to tell him. 
O-oh, I'm gonna be interviewing the king, all the things I read about him and all the questions I have for him in this folder

Max: That's awesome Felix! That means you'll have just enough money to pay your bills and still have enough to buy some food!
Felix: I know right!?! That means I won't have to beg Sheaba for some food!
Max: Just be careful when it comes to the king's late wife, I heard he's still sensitive about it
Felix: I know Max
I eat my food and checked that time only to see that my train will be at the station in 20 minutes. Immediately pack up the folder in my backpack and grabbed my food and coffee and start to run out of the restaurant.

I ran to the train station just in time and took a seat. I start finishing my breakfast and I pull out the files to read and think of ways to politely ask the king about his late wife. "Ah!! I'm gonna lose my job because of this interview !!" I just look out the window and just start hoping that I won't lose my job since this is the only job that I enjoyed doing and it's the only income that I can rely on for bills. "I hope that the king will understand that I was just doing my job" as I thought about it the train stopped. 
~ a few minutes later~ 

No one POV: 
Felix waited outside of the train station to get picked up as a nice car parked in front of him and the driver gestured for Felix to get inside of the vehicle to get him. 
Driver: Hey, you must be Felix right?
Felix: Y-yes, thank you for picking me up! 
Drive: You're very much welcome. The king did inform me that you'll be interviewing him. He informed me that and I quote"As long as he got all the questions for me, I could care less about them"
Felix: Oh my!!! 
Driver: That's what he said when informing me about you  
Felix: Oh...
Driver: Look, kid!! I'm just gonna say, You look too much like the late queen OKAY!!?? And what's worse is that you have the same energy as her!! I'm telling you!! There's a mask under your seat and put that on so you won't end up triggering the king!!!

That sudden surprise warning causes Felix to jump from the shock and scramble to look for the mask to then immediately put on

Felix's POV:

I looked out the window as I see a beautiful castle and see the servants open the door for me as the butler walked toward the car with a warm smile. 
Butler: Hello there young man! let me guide you to the king's office and have the interview started now. 
Felix: H-hello!! 
I immediately cringe as the butler guides me into the castle I cannot believe my eyes. The interior of the castle is full of artwork and so much jewelry. I look around a little as I see two adorable children playing making me smile as they happily run around giggling. 
Butler: Children, you 2 are supposed the be in the library for your lessons. 
The Children: okay sir.
The Children start walking away as the butler pulls me to the entrance of the King's office while he looks at me coldly
Butler: Don't mess this up! And make sure the mask you're wearing stays on and make sure that your ears and tail aren't seen by the king. He's been quite cold toward anyone who is a cat since the late queen's passing 
I scaredly look at the butler as I make sure that the mask I'm wearing is properly on I make sure my cat ears and tail stay hidden. 
Felix: Y-yes sir! 
 I shyly walk into the office as I see the king looking through the files, I see him looking at me so cold and distant. 

Oswald's POV: 
I was looking through the folder full of files and letters from other neighboring kingdoms drinking tea as I saw the interviewer walk in, I look at them cold since I don't even want to do this damn interview but my brother told me that I need to do it since the villagers are worried about me.
Oswald: State your name! you already know my name! 
I see the interviewer scaredly bow down to me shaking in fear as I point to the chair in front of my desk for him to sit
Felix: M-My Name is Felix Coal!! (go with the last name)
I look at the interviewer as I throw my newspaper at him as I see him yelp in fear as he cowardly goes behind the chair I 
Oswald: Let's get this damn interview over with! Have a seat. 

I'm back, IDK how frequently I'll be posting this but just so Y'all know, this is now fanfic of my AU. A full story. the reason why IDK when I'll be updating stories is that I'm in college and I have a job. so whenever I have free time I'll try my absolute best to upload this story, for right now I'll be editing the story. 

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