0.1 He's back

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It was rather unfortunate, the way how 112 Emergency Call Center Director Kang Gwon Joo and Team Leader Do Kang Woo met, eight months after the explosion. Gwon Joo just came back to duty after recovering from the injuries sustained during the explosion and is currently undergoing rehabilitation. Kang Woo, on the other hand, was once again suspected of murder while staying as an illegal alien in Japan. Luckily, Gwon Joo along with Detective Park and Detective Goo, was able to prove that Kang Woo is innocent.

In all honesty, the three expected the Team Leader to be glad because of their intervention. But obviously, he was not.

After rescuing Agent Jin's cousin, the four of them made their way to the airport to return in Korea. While in the SUV, Gwon Joo closed her eyes, trying to ease her worries and the tremble that she's feeling all over her body. She was happy, excited even, that they found Kang Woo after months of searching. She was delighted when he agreed to come back to Korea and work with them. Despite of Kang Woo being reluctant at first, she managed to convince him. But whenever she thought of how he dissuade them from having him back, she felt a sudden sadness deep inside her. She remembered the time when they were still working as a team to catch the person who killed their partners. How she always suspects him and how he always proves her wrong.

She remembered what she said to him before, that she was able to see something else from him. For her he's not just a cold and snob detective, he was something more and something dear to her.

Different thoughts keep running on her mind to the extent that she can feel a throbbing in her head. She rubbed small circles on her temple, trying to relieved some of the pain that she's feeling, may it be from the fall earlier or the thoughts of Kang Woo. She doesn't know.

Time seems to pass in a blur and minutes later, they found themselves settled on a plane, waiting to be brought home.


"We will go now, Team Leader Do," Detective Goo said after telling Kang Woo how Detective Park clean his apartment every month.

The two was about to go outside when they noticed that their Center Director was just standing in the corner, deep in thought.

"Kang Center, you're not coming with us?"

Kwon Joo offered them a small smile and gently shook her head, "Thank you for today, you worked hard. You can go and rest, I'll leave after talking to Team Leader Do."

The two detectives leave the apartment while Kwon Joo and Kang Woo was left alone. The two of them remained upright, awkwardly standing side by side their backs leaning on the wall. They just stood there, not looking at each other. They were both happy just to be in each other's presence, knowing that they have each other regardless of whatever happened this past few months. It took them quite a long time before one of them decided to break the silence.

"How are you?" Kang Woo asked, deliberately not looking at her. He remembered how anxious he felt when the explosion occurred and after Bang Je Soo told him that in order for him to wake up, someone important to him must be taken away. During that time, he realized how important Kang Kwon Joo is to him. He can't definitely face another day if she died because of him.

"I'm fine," she said, her voice full of emotion, "You?"

Kang Woo nodded his head. Stealing a glance from her.

This is how things work between the two of them. They don't really talk much, but they knew, deep inside that they care about each other. They don't use words in order to express themselves. Because, somehow, they have this connection. A connection that will never be severed despite of everything that happened.

"Have you eaten?" he asked, trying to build his walls higher than it is originally. With Kang Kwon Joo, the walls that he built upon himself and others seems to crumble in a few seconds. He doesn't know why, but he feels like it was okay to be vulnerable in front of her.

Kwon Joo shook her head, "You?" she asked softly, glancing at him.

"Not yet," Kang Woo finally decided to look her in the eye. The eyes that always captivates him. He suddenly took hold of her wrist, pulling her towards a small table near his kitchen. He gestured her to sit down, and opened the first aid kit that she gave him before. For a split second, a small smile appeared on Kang Woo's face upon remembering the time when Kwon Joo gave him a lunch box and this kit. He took a small band aid out of the kit and looked at Kwon Joo, he gently put a band aid on one of her scratches.

"You really need to be careful,"' he seriously said, "You're always getting hurt"

Kwon Joo offered him a small smile, unconsciously touching the band aid on her face.

"You as well," she said, "You should ear and rest more. Living in Japan must have been hard."

Kang Woo snorted, earning a glare from Kwon Joo.

"The most difficult thing I have ever gone through for this past eight months is probably not knowing what happened to you," Kang Woo said, fixing his gaze on her chocolate brown eyes.

Kwon Joo suddenly looked at him with all seriousness, her face full of concern and confusion, "Then why didn't you come back?"

"I can't" he said with finality, "I need to do this alone."

"We're a team."

Kang Woo looked at her. Kwon Joo's eyebrow was furrowed in the same fashion whenever she's conflicted, "I don't want you to get hurt," he said, now avoiding her gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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