Chapter one

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First encounter(part 1)

It was the end of the day and Umeji was walking to the roof to wait for his friends he,yet,recieved another round of torment from the bullies sighing he sat down on a bench looking off to a distance,just then he heard the door open,thinking it was the bullies he hid himself but relief filled him once he saw his friends come in but that look of relief soon turned into a frown once he saw the injured face and arms of his friends sighing once again he left his 'hiding' spot,(A/n:which was litterally just the side of the bench ,like, Umeji wtf?! If it were really the bullies they would have seen you)and went to the railings of the roof.

Gaku was first to approach him and ask "what's wrong Meji?" Umeji while still looking off to the distance,said "nothing..." Hayanari was next to approach "that doesn't seem like nothing to me" Dairoku and Hokuto were next "yeah it really doesn't" they said in unison sighing once again(A/n:how many times are you going to sigh?)Umeji spoke "I do I put this in?""I just don't feel like living anymore you guys.." he looked down closing his eyes 'was that to much? What if they think that I've gone insane?' these thoughts were interrupted by Gaku's voice "yeah I guess you're right,I mean we're always targeted for bullying and-" Gaku was interrupted by Dairoku "-and the counselor doesn't even take action until there are proof that the bullying is really happening in other words I agree with Umeji" "I second that" Gaku said " I third that" Hayanari said "I fourth that" Hokuto said "you guys agree with me?" Umeji asks in disbelief not believing what his friends just said "ofcourse we do,we are your friends after all" Hayanari said just then the bell rang "let's go home" Umeji said

***********the next day***********
(y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up at 5:30,yeah I know that's pretty early but whatever,I got up and out of my bed yawning as I did so,"so you finally decided to wake up huh?" I looked to the direction of my door and saw my twin sister Okami standing there while slightly smirking rolling my eyes I said "yeah yeah whatever""get ready and take a shower we still need to re-wrap the bandages""yeah,sure" she left closing the door behind her I got took a quick shower making sure to clean my arms that are about to be bandaged,again,once I was done with that crap I changed into my uniform and took my bag once I arrived downstairs I saw my big brother Osorō patching up Okami's left arm,oh right! Did I forgot to mention that our parent our overseas well atleast our mom is while dad is in another country doing who knows what,Osoro my big sister was the first one to notice me "oh hey (n/n) good morning" she said Osorō looked up with a little smirk "so nice of you to join us this morning" he said ever-so sarcastically "yeah morning to you too Orō" I said a little  annoyed Okami noticed this and said "aww don't be annoyed especially at this time of the morning-oh thanks Orō" "no prob! Now (y/n) come here so I can re-wrap your bandages""alright" I said while making my way over to Orō,Orō is our nickname to Osorō while Oso is for Osoro, "hey guys have you heard?"Kami asks "heard what?" I asked completely confused "I'll take that as a no" she replied then she then continued "I heard that there are going to be a couple students from another school at our school's entrance later probably once the other students are on there way to the school""why are they gonna be there tho?" Orō asks "probably waiting for us""us?" now I'm even more confused I mean who wouldn't be when you just found out that you are get beaten up well that is if they could "yeah they're the friends of the boys we beat up yesterday""in other words they're getting revenge" Oso said "I guess so" I said once Orō fished with my arm we ate break fast it was already 5:50am yeah we talked that long we(me and Kami)watched some tv while Orō and Oso were in the kitchen washing the dishes and talking to one another "hey Kami!" I said catching her attention "yeah?""do you by any chance know about those five odd boys?""you mean the one who got targeted for bullying?""yeah them""no not quite" we continued watching tv until we heard Oso say "c'mon let's go it's already 6:00 am" nodding me and Kami took our bags put on our shoes and went outside the reason why we always wake up early is 'cause our homes is a little far from school so we need to be a little early I mean don't get me wrong we don't really go to class on time but we still like waking up early to go to school while walking I noticed those five boys 'huh they seem cheerful today' once we arrived we saw the boys from the other school that Kami mentioned a while ago "I guess you weren't bluffing" I said "yeah no kidding. And besides why did you think she was bluffing about that stuff (n/n)?""I dunno"

Umeji's P.O.V
Me and my friends were casually walking to school like everything that happened yesterday seemed to not exist I was in my own world 'till Dairoku spoke "hey guys look at those guys over there" he said while pointing their direction we all looked and sure enough that there is a group of guys standing by the entrance and they seemed to be waiting for someone "they seem to be waiting for someone" Gaku said 'called it' I thought

Okami's P.O.V
I swear we NEVER get a peaceful morning like seriously I saw Oso running towards the boys with her fists ready to punch the shit outta them "OSO WAIT FOR US!" I shouted I noticed that someone was about to punch Oso from the back so I ran and punched that guy in the face I turned to face Oso and said "I told you to wait for us""you were taking so long I got impatient" I shook my head then we heard a deep voice(most likely from Orō)said "quit chatting more fighting" I noticed that those boys were watching it seems that (n/n) noticed too shrugging I continued to fight these guys and soon enough they were all in the ground looking like we beat the shit outta them,cause we did.

Umeji's P.O.V
Wow. We saw THE Osoro Shidesu fighting by herself but wait where are her siblings then we heard someone shout "OSO WAIT FOR US!" Then we saw THE Okami Shidesu and god she looks like a fricking goddess! Oh looks like Gaku is drooling on (y/n) again

Gaku's P.O.V(I'll try to use many different point of views as much as possible)
We saw the Shidesu siblings fighting those guys and boy were they good especially the Shidesu twins Okami and (y/n) they're both good but for me (y/n) is slightly better she looks like a goddess(that's exactly what Umeji said)with her (h/l) blonde hair flowing with each movement she makes I look over to Umeji since we all know that he has a crush on Okami like I have a crush on (y/n) 'looks like I'm not the only one drooling over the Shidesu twins' I thought."

(y/n)'s P.O.V
After that  fiasco we made our way inside the school we went to our lockers changed our outdoor shoes for our indoor shoes and then we went to the back of the school where the incinerator is located we hang out there for a few minutes then the bell rang signaling its class time but we didn't give a shit about it we just continued talking until it was about 30 minutes to class then we decided too attend class me and Kami,being on the same class, we're on our way to class 2-2 we slammed the door open and we also noticed that one of those boys who were being bullied the one with the pink hair is sitting next to Okami's desk the teacher noticed us and said "please make it to class on time take your seat""whatever" me and Kami said in unison.

A/n:sorry buts I'm going to have to cut this into parts because this first encounter will be a bit long so yeah hope you liked it. I won't be able to update this very often because i have school and i'm actually on my way to her right now i hope you understand thank you for reading this book please comment or pm me if you have any requests or suggestions about this book thank you for reading this book again i'm really sorry if i'm not able to update it as fast as you thought thank you that's all.

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