Why Do I Feel Like This?

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Sasuke POV
Today was just another day of mostly the same thing, wake up, take a shower, change, eat breakfast, put on my shoes and go to same meeting place every morning, just my the river and a small forest. So today was kind of different, I just noticed that I always have a straight face when I talk to Naruto but I have this urge inside me that wants to hug him and have him in my arms. Make him mine . . . I always feel so nervous and warm when I am talking to him. Kind of like looking at the sun itself. He is so wonderful and beautiful . . . Wait . . . Did I just think that?! Why am I even trying, though, I clearly have something for him, but maybe that's how friends feel for each other.

I was about to keep thinking when a loud scream made me come back to reality. *sigh* It's only Sakura. Why can't she stay more quiet like Naruto? Though he is loud himself. But I prefer to hear Naruto shout my name than Sakura. "Sasuke-kun!!!!!" shouted Sakura. *sigh* what did I do to deserve her on my team?! I have enough problems just trying to figure out what my feeling do Naruto exactly are!! Whatever I know I will have to wait an hour for Naruto to come, might as well use the time to figure myself out.

No I can't do that, I will get bored and I might as well train for a bit. Well now thinking about it, no, we have to train today. I really don't know what to do. Clean my house? It is already clean other than Itachi's room that I haven't touched since he killed my clan. Might as well see Naruto. Though I know he is sleeping but I want to see how he looks like. God if I know that I will get a nosebleed because if he is cute awake who knows how cuter he looks asleep. Wait, can friends think like that? I think yes, I just don't know, I haven't had a friend. No but what if I make too much noise and he wakes up? Wait, I don't make noise at all. But if he just wakes up, we'll maybe I will be spending my one hour waiting for Naruto to come just thinking and looking around, why? Because I'm bored.

Naruto POV
I was just sleeping like usual but this time I was woken up by this sensation that I have when someone is talking about me but this one woke me up so I am guessing this person really is thinking about me, and hard. But why would anyone do that? I mean I am not popular with girls at all, unless they are talking shit about me. No, that can't be, this sensation feels different. I think someone likes me?! But who? Who would like a guy like me? Hinata? No, she is always stalking me and I know she likes me but I have never had this sensation. Maybe it is extreme hate? But why? All these questions are making my head hurt. Might as well go back to sleep. But I couldn't, all these questions are flooding my head. Wait, why do I feel so warm all of a sudden? I checked my clock, eh I always come an hour late so might as well stay here. I will just stay here a little longer.

~ An hour later ~

Ok I might have only just slept like 30 more minutes because I couldn't sleep for the first 30 minutes because of my questions. So I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I was expecting cold water like always but this time it came warm. Wow, now that's strange! Oh well, I will enjoy it while I have it. Once I was done I went to change and went to my kitchen and got a cup of instant ramen. Once I was done I was thinking that maybe today I should do some cleaning once I'm done training. Yeah that sounds like a good idea, a really good one. My house was a mess and I somehow had that sensation that I should do it, but I really don't know why and why now? I mean I was always used to my house being like this. Oh well, I mean I was going to have to do it at some point. Maybe I should do it right now while I have time and I can just sit on the couch once I get home and grab something to read. Yes I know I actually do study and know many jutsus but I would rather not use them unless it is completely necessary. That doesn't happen too often, only when I am badly hurt and I don't have time to go to the hospital and I do have time to come home. Yeah I know medical stuff too, I need to know or else I would have been dead by now. The only way I ever could get a library book or buy a book was from a transformation jutsu that I learned when I was a kid. I still use it now to get more books, usually for adults that are ninjas. The "complicated jutsus". I can do this quickly.

~A Few Minutes Later~

It really doesn't take me long to clean up the house. I swear if Sasuke came in and saw my place, he would check if there is something wrong with me. I think my house in now more cleaner than Sasuke's house itself. I really should get going, not like they are really going to care but I still need to go. So I went outside and threw away all the trash bags full of trash. Now that I am thinking about it, why the hell did I chose Sakura to have a fake crush on?! I mean I could have said Ino but why Sakura?! She hits me every time I do something wrong, it is really hard to resist not fighting her back but if the person you like hits you, you really don't have a choice but to let it happen. Eh, whatever, what is done is done. I think I have a better chance in fighting my father than ever loving her truly. Well, I really got to hurry if I am to resist her hitting me. But then the realization hit me, what if it was Sasuke that likes me?!

 But then the realization hit me, what if it was Sasuke that likes me?!

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