Glossary & pronunciation

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Glossary (in alphabetical order)

- Archféar: the other tribes outside of the forest sheltering Séaroën.
- Brataïr: the siblings within the same house (Taghna's brataïr are Asgeül and Slavan).
- Cuag: a type of oily fern that helps disinfect injuries and remove odours.
- Cratach: the village-seed, as in, the village where Séaroën's ancestors come from.
- Culéan: refers to the families of children and adults who passed the Hir within the same house.
- Drauïl: a plant that grows near wet forest and used in various ceremonies. Its properties also make the blood more liquid.
- Luagh: a tree that grows near the Tui river, on the West of Séaroën.
- Mataïg: the house of the elders and the biggest structure of Séaroën. Inside is quite mysterious...
- Nævar: one of the first plants that comes out at the end of the Hir. They also grow on the roofs of the houses and have to be be removed to avoid damage. The roots can be eaten.
- Néach: the guardians or parents of the children.
- Oran: a type of very large fern, used to perfume and cook the food.
- Plona: a tree that grows where the ground is very wet. One can find plenty of drauïl within its branches.
- Ruidæl: small yellow flowers that acts as a repellent against some insects.
- Séalyar: these are elders of the village, the wisest and most respected women of Séaroën.
- Séarach: this majestic tree, growing all over Taghna's land, is the symbol of Séaroën.
- Stroïgil: this is the ceremony during which children can prove their worth and become a full-fledged adult. It starts when the last trace of snow has melter...
- Telag: another type of tree that grows near the Tui river.


- sé: is pronounced "sh" before a vowel. ie. Séacas = Shacass
- gh/ch: is pronounced like a guttural "r". ie. Taghna/Branach = Tarrna/Branarr
- dieresis: refers to this "¨" symbol above a vowel. It accentuates and detaches the following vowel. ie Asgeül/Caïséan = Asgé-ul/Ca-i-shan)
- æ: is pronounced like an "a" followed by an "è". ie Stær/Færn = Sta-èr/Fa-èrn)
- é and è: reads like French accents (accent aigü and accent grave).

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