~What happened here?~

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-Hello reader. uhh so no A/N right now so uh enjoy?-

Peter's POV

Stark Tower, 3:00 p.m

Mr.Stark is going to skin us alive and use us as carpets. we blew up the lab...again.."Harley! what did you do??" I yelled at the stupid blond in front of me. "MMMMEEEEE??? you're the one who touched the nitroglycerin!" Harley screeched. Ok ok ok, before this goes on, let me just rewind a bit.

Stark Tower,11:05 a.m

Peter's POV

Tony  said Harley and Peter can use the lab today as long as they. didn't blow up the lab this time. They were kinda happy. Harley raced against Peter. "come on, stupid spider!"
Peter's POV

"meh meh mehmehmehemheemhemeehe" I mocked Harley. We  got to experiment  on nitroglycerin! wow. man..I mean, I'm smart and stuff but when it comes to that I only found out what that was because of that one anime..what was it? my hero..something? OH YEAH! my hero academia! Ok back on track. "Let's put this weird thingy in it." Harley said. "don't put the nitrogen in it, please." Peter begged. "Ight.." Harley said sadly. he's an idiot. honestly. how does Tony put up with him?? how do I? I sighed. "you good, fam?" Harley questioned. "Sorry sorry but...What?" I said. "you good?" Harley said. "Nononono..'fam'?" I said slowly. "Fam..as in..never mind, dingus." Harley snickered. "Stupid." I mumbled. Natasha and Clint came in with two rather large guns. "Keener! explain." Natasha slammed the super glue filled gun on the table. "hello my ребенок паук" Natasha turned her attention to me. I smiled and waved at her. "Hey, Aunt Nat." She then looked at Harley. "Explain!" she yelled. "Oh yeah. I filled the end of your guns with superglue because I though it was funny." Harley laughed then snorted. "I." I said, mocking Harley's southern accent. "Shut up, you stupid spider." Harley said to me. "Shut up, you..you..." I searched for a word. "Red neck." I snicked. "Thanks." Harley laughed. "FFFF--..sorry mama spider. i'll beat him up for yeeting the guns with glue." I smiled at Natasha. "Thanks, Petey." Clint and Natasha then left the room. "hey, pete?" I turned to Harley. "Yeah?" I questioned. "are you a cooosspllaayyeerrr?"  He said. "a cos-- what?" i said. "I dunno I found it online when I was looking up My Little Pony." Harley said while tinkering with a suit. "ookkaayyy...?" I said slowly. "hey, kiddos!" Tony walked in. "Steve made lunch. come eat." Tony patted us on the hair and walked out "FOOOOOOD"

Nobody's POV

Harley screamed and ran out. When they came back, Harley and Peter were in an argument. "stop calling me that!" Harley yelled. "Then stop calling me 'Stupid Spider' then!" Peter yelled back. Harley pushed him into a table which knocked over some weird thing. next thing they knew, there was a loud BOOM. "Harley...Keener.." Peter started.

Peter's POV

Mr.Stark is going to skin us alive and use us as carpets. we blew up the lab...again.."Harley! what did you do??" I yelled at the stupid blond in front of me. "MMMMEEEEE??? you're the one who touched the nitroglycerin!" Harley screeched. "yeah, so you didn't put stuff into it!" I screamed. "yeah, but I didn't!" Harley mocked. "You slammed me into the lab table, Stupid." I Crossed my arms. "Oof you right." Harley said. We heard the pitter patter of shoes.

"What happened here?"

~oof uh if you want to see something happen in a story leave it in a comment or something. k bye! <3~

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