Chapter 1

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I'm Mackenzie James, from a beautiful town in Texas- Jefferson, I live a little towards the interior of the town. I honestly can't believe that it's already my final year in High School, I'll be leaving for college next year, hopefully out of here provided my grades are good.
"Mac you're getting late for school and I am getting late for my work! Can you hurry up please young lady!!" , my mother screamed from downstairs.

Rose James. My mother. She works in the local library. She has been ever since I remember, ever since I was just 6 and my Dad left us for that tiny little bitch at his job. We don't talk about him anymore. My mother has been working to keep me well since then. Working her ass off. But she's still so GORGEOUS! Probably the most GORGEOUS woman of this area.

"Coming momma.. it just my shoooee-"

"What happened Mackenzie? What was that bang? Did you fall?"

"No I-", I was about to prepare a good excuse for my fall when I heard the front door open and..
"Hey gorgeous! Where's that little pain in our asses?"

"Language Harry! Mac's upstairs. I guess your best friend just fell and broke her bones. Can you run and check? I am getting really late for work!"

"You know what? I will take her to school today. I got my car back from the garage just today."

"That'll be brilliant Harry! Thank you young man. I better be off then. No mischief you both okay? Bye. BYE MAC! HARRY'S HERE"

Yes my Mom uses the word young alot.

"Yeah Ma! Finally you both acknowledge my presence. Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too honey!"

The front door opened and closed again. The big bell hanging to it rang merrily. I heard my mom drive away and running steps and *SNAP*!


"Hey dumbo. Why on earth do you have to bang my door so loudly?! And instead of laughing that stupid laugh why don't you actually help me to get up?" I snapped and made a face.

"Woah woah.. " , he said helping me out of that bundle of clothes "You should thank me for saving your ass down there. You were up for a nice scolding!"

Harry Edward Styles. My best friend. My bro. My accomplice. My family. We know each other since he moved to our neighborhood. Right next door. We were the only kids and with nobody to play with and we bonded over the song "Oh me Oh my". He knows me the best and I know him the best. We know each other for 14 years now. He and my mom and his mom and his dad and his sister were my only family. Are my only family.

"Yes. Sure. Thank you for what? Thank you because you called me a *little pain in your ass* or for actually calling my mom *GORGEOUS* ", I said imitating his voice. "When are you actually going to stop that? I mean I know my mom's gorgeous but can you stop?!"

Harry's been calling my mother gorgeous like that for 10 years I guess? All of a sudden he started doing that one day while pulling my leg for always wearing jerseys and hoodies and never stopped. I find it cute even though I never say it to him. He loves and respects my mother a lot and I know he never had, has or will have any bad intention. He's nice. Really nice.

"How many times have you asked me to stop? Did it help? No. So just stop dummy.", he said while flipping through my novels and other books. I have always been such a reader. He was more into music. He has such a raspy voice afterall. So soothing. Then all of a sudden he turned at me and came towards me. I was sitting on my bed trying to tie my hair into a ponytail when he bend his tall 6 ft figure and looked at me in my eyes and said,"You know what actually? I will. I will stop calling her that, the day when you wear a dress and look as beautiful as her. I will stop calling her gorgeous and start calling you gorgeous. Say you can do that?"
I never noticed how beautiful his features were ever before. His green eyes, so deep. His lips, his eyebrows, even his raspy voice sounded deeper in that moment. I felt a weird thing in my stomach and jerked that feeling away.

"Never happening."

"I knew. So never stopping calling your mom GORGEOUS!"

I showed him the finger and punched his arms.
"So if you're done with your horse-shit can we go now? We are getting late!"

He smriked and ran downstairs. I followed. His smirk gave me that weird tingling feeling again. "What is that?! Why am I getting this ooeeey feeling in my stomach?" I asked myself. I pushed the thought away and ran to Harry's car. We drove off. He's a good driver. I never told him that too.
The thought about the weird feeling in my stomach didn't bother me for quite a long time.

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