The Meeting

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a little preference based on the meeting of my now crush LMAOA so this is gonna be short

Tom's mother and your aunt worked together and were very close friends. You, however, never met him before.

The first time you guys met, it was move-in day at Wagner College (ha this is the school I attend!) And let's say, you're terribly awkward, and the hours upon hours of traveling, you didn't look too hot either.

It was the welcoming ceremony, and you sat with your aunt, father, and little brother. You were not excited about meeting this guy, knowing that he came here for a football scholarship, you thought that he was a jerk and had no brain cells.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Your aunt drags you from your chair to go meet him, and you didn't dare pick up your feet.

"Pick up your feet y/n I'm not playing with you." She mutters

You groan in response and you pick up your feet, but start to walk behind her. Finally, you find his family and there stood his mother, brother, and his grandmother.

"Hey baby," Your aunt says to his mother. They kiss each other on the cheek and she got out of your way to meet Tom.

"This is my baby y/n, y/n this is Tom"

There he stood. The most beautiful man you've seen in a while. He was taller than you, his big brown eyes seemed light and optimistic. He had a little mustache going on, which you thought was adorable, and he was wearing a simple white t-shirt and sweatpants.

You took out your hand to shake his.

"It's nice to meet you," You said quietly.

"Hi it's nice to meet you as well," He said.

You walked around and started to shake everyone else's hand. You felt a bit awkward, as they're handshakes were very limp, but you didn't let that get the best of you.

You slowly start to walk away from them and try to get some fruit as your aunt drags you back to Tom and his family.

"Tom, if she is ever in danger, you make sure you look out for her okay?" She firmly said to him

"Yes ma'am," He said smiling.

You quickly shuffle away to the concessions where your brother runs after you.

"You piece of shit" He laughs

"Fuck you" You muttered back, "I said hi did I not?"

"Yeah but you ran away from him like he has a disease"

"You never know"

"Y/n stop being a-social he's cute for you"


"And?" He said mocking you, "Talk to him stop being a baby"

"Why is my 15-year-old brother giving me advice?" You said annoyed "Go back to aunty"

He rolls his eyes and walks back to your aunt, as you continue to stare at your empty cup.

Suddenly someone lightly touches your shoulder and you turn around to see Tom and he's smiling at you.

"Sorry for being awkward" You whispered

"Huh?" He questions chuckling a little

"I-I am sorry for being AWKWARD," You said a little louder

"Don't sweat it y/n, I'm pretty shy too"

"Seems like you're doing a lot better than I am"

"You think I came over here out of free will?" He says laughing, "Your aunt told me you were about to have a mental breakdown, so I came over to see how you were doing"

"She's so overdramatic I am fine"

"Mhhm, I can see your cup shaking from a mile away"

"Thanks bud" You said laughing 

There was a bit of an awkward silence, and you look down at the ground, scuffling your feet.

"Well, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner? Maybe get to know each other a little more?"

"Uh yeah sure okay sure for sure okay yeah sure for sure okay alright okay cool sure"

He bursts out laughing.

"Relax y/n. You're good. We're friends. I'll see you at Hawks diner, 6 pm"

"Okay Tom"

"I'll see ya then!" He says walking away.


You took a deep breath as you see your brother walking up to you again.

"You still a little bitch"

"y/b/n shut the fuck up, I'm doing me" You said slapping him in the back of his head.

"So be it" He said, "You're still a loser"

"Yeah a loser who just made their first friend and is going out for dinner with them. You're still in high school so don't talk" You said laughing at him.



See you guys very soon :)


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