The finest minds of the Gastorian Imperial Forces under the command of
Supreme Admiral Heektor have created a working teleportation system based
around the folding of space-time for instant travel between two points.
Testing is due tomorrow.
Test 1:
Portal is opened to see no change the portal appears to be transparent
it appeared to lead to nowhere the test was about to be called off when
a crew member in observation of the science ship noticed a fleet in the
distance upon closer examination the fleet is of Gastorian origin
but before more examination can be done the portal flickers and closes
-Portal has been found to be unstable
-Supreme Admiral Heektor shows interest in this project more testing is due
Test 2:
The portal is opened to see a large fleet clearly of Gastorian design
but "Off" as described by the scientist we receive a signal which is
answered by the military personnel on board the science vessel
"This is High Priest Heektor of the Enlightened Tribes Of Gastoria
we command you identify yourself" (Supreme Admiral Heektor is contacted)
Our Military Personnel respond "We will do no such thing to the likes of you
hold your ground until our higher authority arrive"
The fleet responds "Blasphemer! There is no higher authority than our gods!
You will regret your disrespect!"
At this point, the ships start charging through the portal the first makes it
through and fires damaging the science vessel. Shortly after the portal
begins to flicker and the second ship makes it halfway through but is
abruptly sliced in half by the closing of the portal. By now the Gastorian
Secondary Strike Force (Home System Defenders) has arrived and has managed
to subdue the ship which is immediately boarded and the survivors are found
to be Gastorian they keep chanting
"Our gods will save us, our gods will save us" They never did...
Supreme Admiral Heektor ordered the execution of the crew and
dissection of the ship.
-Portal has been confirmed as interdimensional travel
-Science vessel damaged (Repairs due and a replacement will be issued)
-Foreign ship has been put under study
-Gastorian Secondary Strike Force will now be present during all testing
-Supreme Admiral Heektor shows extreme interests in this project
Test 3
Portal is opened a passing fleet immediately stops and turns toward the
portal, weapons were immediately primed. But the ships stop outside the
portal and Supreme Admiral Heektor fears the worst but then we get a
Gastoria Trans-Dimensional Tests 1-6
Short StoryTesting logs of the Gastorian Imperial Forces