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"Around the jagged, wartorn edges of Warhammer 40k, there lies forth the engnimatic Eldar."

"Who are basically space elves living in ships bigger than the Super Star Destroyer."

"These Craftworlds are extremely essential to the Eldar's survival. The most prominent of them, Craftworld Ulthwe, laid out the story of the most powerful Farseer in existence: Eldrad Ulthran."

"And of course Eldie here knew that he was gonna die someday, so he got to work getting a woman laid, who died giving birth to two girls. You know the youngest, Taldeer, if you played Dark Crusade, but the eldest was made to carry out her father's legacy."

"Thus, Illisha Ulthran was born."

"Who among you dares to defile this sacred ground with your presence?" (Illisha eventually stabs Kale right at her head)

"As the eldest daughter of Eldrad, Illisha's life was just pretty boring. Eager to let his daughter fight to survive, Eldrad taught her in the arts of combat."

"Illisha honed her skills when she was trained by ALL the Phoenix Lords and even her dad in the Eldar's art of war and combat."

"She trained in tactics and strategy by Asurmen, jetpack combat by Baharroth, hand to hand and screaming by Karandras and Jain Zar, stealth by Irillyth, and heavy weapons handling by Maugan Ra and anti-armor assault by Fuegan, and bike jousting by Drastranta."

"Bike jousting? Sounds made up. Well, I'd like to try that someday with good ol Bastich. Anyway, Illisha even trained in psychic powers by her dad too! And deep down her body and mind skyrocketed like crazy!"

"And while she couldn't surpass her father, her skills, natural agility and ingenuity for tactics boosted in unbelievable levels. But when Illisha was still in training, an Ork invasion threatened her craftworld. Determined to protect, Illisha eliminated the infamous Warboss Killgut Deffbrew, and claimed his head as a reward."

"Damn, that is dedication right there! It may have been Illisha's first foray to battle, but she finished training when she was 16."

"And just in time too. For 10 thousand years, Illisha finally became one of the most powerful Farseers of the Eldar race, second only to her father. But this didn't last long when a Chaos fleet threatened Ulthwe."

"Get this Wiz. The space elf eventually decided to just ram her ship right into the nearest Chaos cruiser that just was crazy enough to open a hole in the Craftworld, and it seemingly killed her."

"Instead of passing away to the afterlife as dictated by Ynnead, the Eldar God of Death, Illisha was instead taken by the Eldar Pantheon to join the Sonic Guard, thus, they thrust her in the multiverse where she became the confidant and majordomo of it's leader, Dangerios Avellus."

"And boy, oh boy, is Illisha a mighty asset for the Sonic Guard. Unlike any fragile Eldar, Illisha is incredibly powerful, physically and mentally. I mean, for a seemingly frail space elf, she's surprisingly tough. She's fallen through thousands of feet in the air and landed without injury, taken hits from Yang Xiao Long and She-Hulk without even receiving a bruise from either and regularly shrugs off fatal wounds that can kill a normal Eldar."

"And it came from her supercharged Eldar physiology. She possesses immense strength, durability and speeds that are halfway lightspeed. Even then, this is incredibly odd, as no other ordinary Eldar can possibly surpass Illisha physically, not even her own father."

(Illisha struck down Caufila, Revy, Kitana and Sarah Bryant before any of them could see her)

"How could she move so quickly that we can only see her lightning?" wondered Parasoul before Illisha struck her in with a spear to the head.

"She's struck down over half a hundred targets faster than lightning, lifted about 50 tons of reinforced steel and throw it at the Harem, and precise enough to tell what her opponents are thinking too."

"It's also no surprise that Illisha's psychic prowess is extremely powerful. Other than reading, mind control, brainwashing, and screaming with enough sound to rip apart the souls of anyone caught in it's vicinity, Illisha's telekinesis is also enough to even push the Giant Omnicron, which when compared to her height, must weight about 500,000 tons."

"Damn, that's crazy! Talk about psychic power too, especially since Illisha screamed louder than Black Canary, with enough sound to literally make her head explode!"

"Illisha has even killed the Demon Queen, Rias Gremory, whom she hates the most thanks to her hate of demons,  She-Hulk, Black Widow, and even was agile enough to keep up and killed Hinata Hyuga by herself. She has only the 4th highest kill count, before Rhynamos and Rogen, whom she frequently rivals with."

"Hell, she's contributed to even assisting Dangerios into killing Palutena, the Goddess of Light, just by tanking her godlike power head on, like a boss!"

"But Illisha couldn't just do all of this with her bare hands alone, even if she was strong enough to crush a human's skull like Gregor Clegane. She wields extremely durable weaponry used by Eldar made out of Wraithbone, a raw element commonly used by Eldar which are basically like whale bones. There's a lot of weapons that she uses, like the Shuriken Catapult and Pistol, plasma and superheated grenades, a sword named Screaming Banshee and a mini D-Cannon formed into a spear. Her more common used weapon is often a spear named Wrathcaller, a weapon she received from Eldrad."

"But sadly, even with all of these talents, Illisha is still nowhere close to perfection. Like most Eldar, she's pretty arrogant. Which is ridiculous, given that same arrogance has brought her to trouble more often than not."

"Also, despite being so extremely powerful, Illisha still hasn't even surpassed her father. Way too similar to Rogen, who has never surpassed Ahzek Ahriman, the most powerful Chaos Sorcerer ever known."

"She may be a mortal elf, and even if she's a bit self-centered, Illisha is one of the most venerably powerful veterans of the Sonic Guard. Trust me, not even the strongest being there ever is can bring her down."

"I'm surprised that you know what venerable means, but sure."

"Miserable fool. You believe you have claim of Sonic's body, yet you don't have what it takes to back up such a bold claim. Nothing else but pathetic lies!" (Illisha raises her spear right at the head of Samara, ending her life quickly and abruptly)

Death Battle Analysis: Warhammer 40k OC: lllisha UlthranWhere stories live. Discover now