day three

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A painfully long day at school had finally gone by, leaving you there with useless questions still floating around in your mind. 'pffft vampires aren't real and that's just a fact' You stated in the midst of the chaos of thoughts in your mind and simply shook them away.

Continuing on throughout your day, just to see if this Jisung guy was right. You'd take the risk of going to school.

Is it a smart choice considering you had gotten a warning? Nope. Definitely not. But curiosity got the best of you, and the need to be right at everything. Wanting to prove to this guy that vampires weren't real. Worth the risk? Nope.

"Hey Soojin!" A voice yelled for you, right in the middle of your thoughts. You quickly snapped out of your spaced out state and noticed that your brother was here to pick you up. "Hey mark." You answered and walked over to the car.

Going to the passenger side and getting in, "So.. how was your first day of school?" Mark asks once you had secured your seatbelt. "Well I mean.. just like any other school day. New kid. Judging stares. New people. Sort of a deal." You shrugged, leaving out the more than handsome men you had met and the entire vampire fiasco.

"Touché, well did you meet anyone?" He says and begins driving, making his way back to your guys' home. "Hmm just a few people, they're pretty nice." You replied and yawned from the exhausting day you had. Knowing that you'd be going home just to do homework and eat.

Moments later, you pulled up to the driveway, hopping out of the car and into the house. Mark following you closely. When you had come inside you were instantly greeted by your mother, "Hello honey, how was your day?" She asked, and you answered just the same you did with your brother.

"Just like any other day, but with new faces." You remark with a shrug, taking your shoes off and entering the main part of the home.

"Hey guys, I'm just gonna go and get some homework done before dinner. I'll be back down in a little bit." You state and went up to your bedroom before they could even get the chance to respond.

Closing the door behind you, you walked towards your own bathroom and took a quick shower, to relax and try to think over all the events that took place. Still questioning whether you should go to school the next day or not. The shower was cut short as you got out and got changed into pajamas.


Around 5 hours later Soojin woke up, her head still resting on her arms. She slowly sat up, "How long have I been asleep?" She asked herself, checking the time.
She read the time off her phone and sighed, she moved from her desk, closing all over books and setting them on the shelf neatly.

She walked over to her bed and made herself comfortable, turning off her lamp.
She soon dozed off, falling into a deep sleep.

-Time Skip-

Soojin woke up, a regular morning. She was actually awake before her brother went to her room to wake her.
She yawned, stretching as she stepped out of bed and began her morning routine.

Washing her face, brushing her teeth, and deciding to keep her hair down for the day, not really in the mood for styling it.

She put on her uniform, all nicely and smiled at her reflection in the mirror.
Walking out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen.
She was right on time.
She picked up her toast, seating herself at the bar as she began to eat.

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