the beginning of something new.

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We had just won regionals and we were getting ready for nationals now. My and ozzy were still together, and still quite strong.

Noah and jacquie broke up after regionals because of noah leaving even though Noah recently decided he was going to stay and help around the team for a bit. I think they're officially over.

Emily and michelle called the team in for a meeting. "So as you know, we are one dancer short due to Noah leaving the team". I saw jacquie look down at her feet. "And even though you will still see him alot helping with the team, we need to find soneone to fill his place."

We all looked at each other wondering who could possibly be joining our team.

"Richelle, could you talk to us in our office quickly?" Emily asked me. I nodded and followed them to the office.

"We want you to help with the auditions for noah's spot. Noah himself will also be assisting you."

I smiled, "ok!" It was always an honour to be selected by michelle and emily. It meant they thought i was responsible.

I went back out to the rest of the team to start rehearsing. "What was it about?" Ozzy asked me.

"Nothing much, i'm going to be helping with the auditions with noah."

"Oh ok," he responded, "Can i pick you up afterwards?" I nodded.

"I think it will finish at around 6-ish, and don't be late. You know i don't like to wait around." I told him. He smiled and winked at me, then went back to streching.

I smiled and shook my head slightly.

*at the auditions*

I walked into studio A early, as emily told me to, and saw noah there already, on his phone waiting. I ran up to him and jumped on his back, wrapping my arms on him. It felt so good to see him again after all this time.

I felt him tense at first, but then he realised it was me and put me down to hug me properly. "I missed you so much, Richelle." He said while i was still in his arms.

"Me too" i told him, pulling away.

"Ok that's enough of that, the auditions are starting soon get ready." I heard emily say behind me as she walking in with michelle. I smiled at them and we all stood near the benches as the auitioners started to pile in.

"Hello, and welcome to the auditions" michelle called out. Everyone clapped. "So first we are going to need you to get into a circle so we can test your freestyling"

They did as she said and everyone freestyled. They were good but not as good as noah.

"Next, we are going to test your partner work" emily said. "Richelle and noah are going to demomstrate the duet and you are going to get into pairs and practise it".

Me and noah went to the middle of the room and started dancing. It felt so good to dance with him again.

After we had finished, we gave the dancers an hour to practise it and then perform it. After that was done, the auditions were over.

"Thank you for coming out, we will let you know the winner tomorrow" emily said, and then she and michelle walked out of studio A with the rest of the dancers so it was just me and noah left.

He turned to me and high-fived me. "That was great!" He said smiling.

I laughed, "yeah it was, who do you think will get it?" I asked.

"I dunno, they were all great" he replied. There was a few seconds of silence before he started talking again. "Richelle..." He started. I looked up at him and nodded. "I can't deny this any longer, i cant deny us any longer."

I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?"

"You know what i mean richelle. I love you. And i always have, i just kept denying it. And i know you where doing the same, i could see it."

I was really confused. Where did all of this come from? "Noah, i've never loved you like that. I love ozzy, you know that."

He burrowed his eyebrows together, "your still with him? I didn't think you were that serious about him."

I nodded slowly, looking down. I didn't know noah felt this way and now i felt bad. "I'm sorry, noah." I said.

"No, I'm sorry Richelle" he said.

"For wh-" before i could answer he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I couldn't pull away. Not because he was forcing me, but because ,even though i feel bad saying this, i didn't want to. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before i heard heavy footsteps turning the opposite way.

I pulled away just in time to catch a glimpse of Ozzy walking away. I had messed up big time.

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