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Song: Everyday from Highschool Musical
Pairing: BokuAka

Once in a lifetime, means there's no second chance

So I believe that you and me, should grab it while we can

Bokuto always lived in the present. He never really worried about his future so much. What mattered to him were the things happening now.

Waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, going to school, having lunch with Akaashi, playing volleyball, walking home with Akaashi, eating dinner, doing his homework (Sometimes with the help of Akaashi), and going to sleep.

He was pretty satisfied with the way he lived his life. He has a roof over his head, food to eat, supportive family and friends, he gets to play volleyball, and he has Akaashi.

Make it last forever and never give it back

It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at

"Akaashi! Just one more toss please!" Bokuto said as he pleaded with the setter. "This will be the last one I promise!"

The setter sighed as he looked at his captain. "Just one more Bokuto-san, you and I still have homework to do." the setter told him since it was already late into the night.

"Thanks Akaashi!" Bokuto exclaimed as he threw the ball up to Akaashi and did his run up. Akaashi tossed the ball ('A perfect fit.' Bokuto thought in his mind) and he jumped up to hit a cross.

It hit the ground with a satisfying thud and he found himself face to face with his setter going for a high five. "Your tosses are really the best Akaashi!"

"Thank you Bokuto-san," Akaashi said as he moved to pick up the balls on the floor and put them back in their rightful place. "Now help me clean up."

Bokuto nodded as they quickly cleaned up their mess and locked up for the night. As they were walking home, Bokuto couldn't stop himself from staring at the gorgeous setter beside him.

Well no one could resist those soft black curls, those emerald eyes that see right through you, and the long fingers he uses to send Bokuto the perfect tosses.

'Everything about him is perfect', Bokuto thought.

Because this moment's really all we have

Though he couldn't look away fast enough as those emerald eyes met his.

"Is everything all right Bokuto-san? You've been staring for a while, is there anything on my face?"

"It's nothing Akaashi, I just spaced out." Bokuto told him as he scratched the back of his head, hoping Akaashi would believe him.

Akaashi just smiled at him and said, "Well if you say so Bokuto-san." then turned to look ahead, the smile not leaving his face.

He felt he owed Akaashi so much, he was there to always help him. Whether it was his homework or when he felt depressed, Akaashi always knew what to do.

Yet as much as he hates himself for being this selfish, he can't help but hope that Akaashi would still be by his side in the future.

Everyday, of our lives

Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight

Akaashi always thought about his future. He basically has most of it planned. To graduate from Fukurodani with high grades, get into a nice university and take the course of his choice, and get a stable job.

Though the one thing he hasn't taken into account was the appearance of an enigma named Bokuto Koutarou.

Everything about him has confused Akaashi when he first met the golden eyed boy. Like how much gel did he use to style his hair everyday, how the color of his eyes and hair made him look similar to an owl, or how a person with that kind of build acted quite similarly to an 8 year old.

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