Car Sick/Earth Bending Championship

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 Car Sick/ Earth bending Championship

Prompt: Kiere gets a little nauseous on the car ride to the Earth Bending Championship

P.O.V. Kiere

 I clutch the seat, nails digging into the leather. My eyes are closed tight, teeth clenched. My hair was being blown back, wind whistling in my ears. In the backseat, there’s a lot of jostling as Asami speeds through the cobblestone roads of the UnitedRepublic. I’m not used to driving-er, riding-in a car. The Soto Mobile was plummeting through the City, my eager sister, the last time I checked, beaming from the “thrill” of the ride. Honestly, I prefer flying or Apperating. I think I’d actually rather take Naga, but when I seriously think about it, I don’t see much a difference.

 A sharp turn sent me sideways, crashing into Korra.

“Ugh,” I moaned, opening my eyes to reposition myself. I regained my hold on the seat, holding on as if my life depended on it. But with Asami behind the wheel, it felt as if it were life or death. Of course my seatbelt was broken so I was left with my grip.

 I cringed as I saw the buildings flicker by so fast, street lamp lights just visible, blurred and giving the appearance someone had written in ink and ran their hand through it before it finished drying.

Mako was up front, next to Asami, Bolin on the right side of Korra. Katara and Bram decided to take a calmer way to our destination. I declined the offer, wanting a more exhilarating ride. Now that I think of it, I’d choose walking over this any day.

 I shut my eyes again, nausea stirring in my stomach, an uncomfortably cold air stuck in my throat.

“Lighten up,” Korra said, nudging my side. I swallowed a baby-barf and she sighed. “Have some fun!”

 I tried speaking but couldn’t find my voice. My mind was in a whirlwind and I continued to breathe in and out deeply.

“I’m gonna die!” I finally managed a quick raspy take to my tone. “I’m really gonna die.”

“Er, she looks green,” Bolin replied, I’m guessing eyeing me concerned. I wouldn’t know; all I saw was the back of my eyelids and the darkness in them, lights and colors dancing and forming weird kaleidoscope-like figures.

 Korra attempted to pry my right hand’s tight hold off the seat. Being stronger than me-but may I remind you, not faster-she succeeded. Holding my hand in hers, I felt slightly better.

“Your knuckles are white as snow,” she laughed.

“Sh-shut up.”

“Sami, can we slow down?” Mako asked. I admired the worry for me in his tone and respected it, even.

“Sure, if you want to loose,” the Soto girl replied. We were racing Bree and Camille who were flying on brooms. We were going to an Earth-bending Championship Fight Asami somewhat-reluctantly paid for. I made the suggestion, wanting to see Toph face off some “tough” benders. Well, they are tough. But tougher than the Blind Bandit? No, I don’t think so.

“We’re almost there, anyway. Five to ten more minutes, thirteen tops,” she said. I wanted to vomit everything I had in my stomach right then, but I couldn’t. I don’t know why, but something stopped me.

“The sooner the better,” Korra said. Letting go of my hand, I felt her fingers brush against my arm and I knew she had her hands above her head again. Like a roller-coaster atLondon, or cheering at a Quidditch match. Yeah. Quidditch.

 I tried to imagine Quidditch. The nausea was from, I don’t know, bad food? I was racing around the pitch on my Firebolt, the wind from the car ride wind from flying as fast as Quidditch players fly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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