You said "I come in peace" so I took you home
I gave you food and I gave you clothes
I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythms on
Still you wanna leave 'cause you feel alone
You don't know what they're like
If they know that you're alive
They're gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet's life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen8***************************************8
p- princesa baja porfavor
tn- ok papa ya bajo
*bajaste y te encontraste a tus padres con justin y su padre
p-hola princesa ven dejame te presento al Sr. Bieber y pues ya conociste a Justin.
nuestro suegro XD (ns)- hola soy el Sr. Bieber y pues ya conociste a mi hijo.
tn- si, bueno un gusto senor Bieber.
ns-el gusto es mio ____tn verdad?
tn- si, si me permiten me debo retirar a mi alcoba.
ns- a claro ___tn
*te subiste a tu habitacion y cuando llegaste a ella te sono el telefono, viste y era Harry.
Don't try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can't find my spaceship, my planet's outside there waiting, I can't stay in your backpack forever)
Before you came around I was in a rut
Didn't have a friend, didn't know what it was
You taught how to dream and how to live
You're my best friend please listen to me**************************************
h- hola princesa
tn- hola harry
h- te gustaria ir al cine?
tn- hay claro cuando?
h- ahorita princesa
tn- claro me recoges en 20?
h- si ya voy para alla, besos
* colgaste y te diste una ducha rapida y te cambiaste y te pusiste esto http://data2.whicdn.com/images/142899997/large.jpg y a los 20 min. escuchaste el timbre y saliste y viste a Harry ya se iban a ir hasta que aparece tu padre con Justin
p- princesa a donde vas?
tn- aam voy al cine con harry por?
p- pues ok, oye pero llevate a Justin para que tenga amigos y conozca la ciudad y nada de escusas.
tn-un poco molesta- ok papa vamonos harry
h-claro princesa
*se subieron los 3 al carro de justin y ninguno hablo hasta llegar al cine
h- princesa voy a comprar las entradas vallan a comprar palomitas
tn- claro ya volvemos- le diste un beso en la mejilla-
You don't know what they're like
If they know that you're alive
They're gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet's life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen
Don't try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can't find my spaceship, my planet's outside there waiting, I can't stay in your backpack forever)