. Cast .

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•* Witches *•

Rouge- A red fox who stays calm and sweet in tough situations, but is somewhat strict about rules. Known for being with the campers often. Eyes that color of degraded dusty gold. Hair down and spiky. Leader of the Witches. Symbol~ Black Flower

Hedgehog- A brown hedgehog who is clever and able to act quickly in bad situations. Always in a different place at camp, managing different things. Amber eyes. A flower crown on her head from 8 years ago. Ex Leader of the witches. Hair down and curly. Symbol- White cloud.

Sarah- A Grizzly bear who is very brave and daring, but tends to be unreasonable when supporting her claims. Usually cooking food or secretly helping campers pull off dangerous stunts. One ice blue eye, one fern green eye. Hair tied up in a ponytail.

•* Campers *•
Age Order~ Young to Old

Blizzard~ A male white mouse who is like an angel from above. Speaks in a soft tone. Short spiky white hair. 7 years old.

Melody~ A female black cat who is outgoing and partially deaf. Adventurous and hard to stop from doing things. Short black hair. Lavender eyes. 8 years old.

Aries~ (The only one you have to read) A female white mouse who is suspicious about camp and semi introverted. Golden eyes. Medium ice blue hair. 10 years old. {BROSKIES I'm not 10 in real life}

Muriel~ A female blue-teal fox who is a great companion to Kyanite. Was born with a dysfunctional eye, and had it removed through surgery. Hair over her missing eye spot. Golden eye. Long wavy hair. 11 years old.

Kyanite~ A male brown-red cat  who is very  chill. Poison magenta eyes. Amazing when it comes to getting a job done. Likes to be around large groups of people. Known for hosting cabin parties, and rebellious teams. Short curly hair. 11 3/4 years old. 

Karma~ A female cream brown bear who is very pessimistic. Only camper who is allowed to wear makeup, and thus has black eyeshadow 24/7.  One eye a pastel blue, the other a pastel teal. Medium straight hair. 12 years old.

Akira~ A grey female cat who is playful and childish. Meadow green eyes. Kind and very vulnerable to scams. A social butterfly. Hair put up in whispering ponytails. 12 years old. Younger sister to Scorpio.

Scorpio~ A ginger male cat who is a caring young feline. Hazelnut eyes. Often seen with his sister, and prefers to hang out with small groups of people. Straight, well done hair. 12 years old, older brother to Akira.

Adeline~ A blackberry female rabbit who is somewhat mysterious. Earthy green eyes. Not seen often, and only has 1 or 2 friends. When spotted she is deep in the forest, doing the unknown. Hair with bangs in a braid crown, and hair down it a low bow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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