when you meet: Impact

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You fell into the underground. You don't remember how you fell in but all you remember is climbing mt. Ebbot and now your walking through a snowy forest. Your walking when you hear a twig snap behind you causing you to turn around your E/C eyes darting back and forth as you continue walking forward you reach a bridge stopping due to the footsteps you hear behind you. " Human do ya know how to greet a new friend? Turn around and shake my hand." A dark female voice says from behind you. You turn around shaking hands with the person. You look at the monster in front of you, it's some type of skeleton monster with deep black hair, an orange eye and a purple eye, and sporting a large grin. " hi I'm Blackwing." The skeleton says as she chuckles. " what's your name human?" She asks tilting her head her black hair blowing in the wins. " I-I'm Y/N." You say shyly. " Wow I like that name human." She says walking forward. " come on human you can come through my Dad made the bars too wide to stop anyone." She explains. You walk forward as she follows when suddenly she looks at you. " Hey Y/N go hide behind that conveniently shaped lamp my bro's coming." She says pointing to a lamp. You walk over and stand behind it as a taller skeleton comes into view. " Hey bro. Sup?" She says causing the skeleton to scoff. " You know what's "sup" sis you haven't been recalibrating your puzzles." He shouts causing her to chuckle. " Take it easy I got a ton of work done today a METTA-TON."  She says causing the her bro to groan in anger and annoyance. " Blackwing stop using Mommatons name as a pun its not funny." He says. They continue talking till he leaves. "Hey Y/N come on its safe to come out now." She says causing you to walk out from behind the lamp. " Well I'd better get home do you wanna come with?" She asks. You nod following her to a small cozy cabin like home she smiles at you opening the door walking inside. You follow as a wave of warmth and happiness washed over you Blackwing looks back at you as your taking in the scene. A taller skeleton was talking to a feminine looking robot as Blackwings bro runs around giggling like mad while a short skeleton walks over to you two the skeleton looks at you then back at Blackwing causing her to speak. " Uncle Sans leave Y/N alone i promised no harm would come to them." She states as the two other skeletons and the robot look at you two. " who did you promise?" Sans asks Blackwing causing her to sigh. " I promised Frisk and Toriel." She stattes causing Sans to nod walking away as the tall lanky skeleton to perk up. " WELL IF LADY TORIEL AND FRISK WANT THIS HUMAN SAFE WE SHALL KEEP THEM SAFE! NEYH HEH HEH HEH!" The skeleton states excitedly. " Okay Papy darling we'll keep the human safe right kids?" The robot says looking at Blackwing and her bro. They nod as you speak up. " Uhh w-what are your names?" You ask everyone excluding Blackwing and Sans. The tall skeleton looks at you. " IM THE GRRRREAT PAPYRUS!" he says excitedly the robot looks at you as well. " Well darling my name is Mettaton." He states smiling at you as Blackwings bro smiles. " I'm Impact nice to meet you human. Wow your eyes are really pretty." He says as he looks at your E/C eys causing you to blush. Blackwing watches you two and starts laughing causing you to blush more. 


You just finished eating dinner with them Metta is an amazing cook. You walk over to them. " Where can I sleep?" You ask when Impact smiles. " You can sleep in my room with me Y/N." He says smiling following him up to his room laying down on the bed he chuckles " hang on Y/N I'll get you some pajamas from Blackwing's room." He says as he walks out coming back with an oversized t-shirt with a picture of Metta on it and a pair of sweatpants handing you them. " Here you can use these Blackwing doesn't mind if you want you can use my bathroom to change." He tells you as you nod walking into his bathroom and shutting the door before you change into the clothes. You walk out to find him laying in the bed half asleep as Blackwing is reading a book to him. He smiles looking up at you patting the spot next to him. You climb in next to him falling asleep as soon as your head touched the pillow 

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